Man Plays Carrinet

I have the feeling this is the future of our school music programs. Surely they can't say they don't have the money to fund arts and music when it's all being made from veggies. The best part is, when you're done you still have a healthy, yummy snack. That can also help the school lunch program as well, just mix the budget for both and everyone wins. Especially this guy, the ultimate veggie band teacher.

Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via BoingBoing

"I have the feeling this is the future of our school music programs" - I have not a single problem with this if it happened. This guy just showed you more skill & Technique than any normal kid learns in the music program for the first 2-4 years.
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I play the clarinet, and there is no way a carrot could sound EXACTLY the same as a clarinet. I might sound good but it wouldn't sound like that. It would be higher pitched. Look how much shorter it is! I'm calling the BS card on this video.
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My science teacher did this for us a few years ago. He had a music degree. I never had the sense to ask him what his mouthpiece was though.
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