Archive for November 16th, 2008

The Squirrel 5

If you're like me, you've desperately wanted to watch squirrels dance to Michael Jackson...even if you're sane though, you will still enjoy this. Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]...

Super Coco Fashion

YouTube Link Finally, a fashion show for the diet-impaired. Yes the models may still be little waifs, but the clothes themselves completely make up for it. How? They're all made of chocolate! Apparently the New Yor...

Dinnerware Set Forms a Map of Europe

This eight-plate set displays most of Europe with a set of interlocking ceramic dinner plates. A Russia plate is, unfortunately, not yet available, as it keeps on breaking up while still in the factory. Link via...

An Outdoor Toilet that Hooks up to your Hitch Receiver

Gadget retailer Kotula's now offers a camoflage toilet seat that hooks into your trailer hitch receiver for those times when nature calls out in the middle of nature. If you buy this product, be sure to follow t...

Sometimes Realism Isn't Appetizing

Russian cake maker Zhanna makes amazingly real cakes. The cognac bottle looks cool, but I have to admit, I'm a little disturbed by this cake with beer, fish and newspapers in the decoration. The entire cake is edible...

Vintage Brain Maps

This is fantastic: a series of vintage "brain maps" as created by one Dr. Alesha Sivartha in the late 1800s (published in his metaphysical book The Book of Life: The Spiritual and Physical Constitution of M...

Alternatives to the "Sorry We're Closed" Sign

Inspired by the ubiquitous Sorry We're Closed sign, Aesthetic Asparagus designed a series of 9 signs that cut the crap and say what the closed shop owners truly meant: Link - via Quipsologiessign...

New Super Surface Hates Water AND Oil!

MIT researchers led by chemical engineer Robert Cohen and mechanical engineer Gareth McKinley have created the world's first superoleophobic and superhydrophobic surface (let me translate for you: the "super surface...

Steampunk Space Helmet

Spotted at Brass Goggles, the blog of everything steampunk, is this fantastic (and wearable) Steampunk Space Helmet by Herr Döktor: Link | Build progress (long forum thread!)steampunk, space helmet...

Domino Day 2008: New World Record for Toppled Dominoes

If you didn't know, yesterday was Domino Day 2008 ("Celebrating 10 Years of Domino Day"). The goal of Domino Day is simple: to set a new world record of highest number of falling dominoes. Robin Paul Weijers (A...

Anticrepuscular Rays

Photo: John BrittonAstronomy Picture of the Day has yet another fantastic photo - this one is of anticrepuscular rays over Colorado:What's happening over the horizon? Although the scene may appear somehow supernatura...

Quote: Dorothy Parker on Yale Girls

"If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end - I wouldn't be surprised." - Dorothy Parker, writer and poet...

Weapon of Buzz Destruction

When forum user imprsv Joshua Horton of Perth, Australia, heard the buzzings of bees under the cover of his BBQ grill, he decided to unleash his weapon of buzz destruction. Here's what happened next: Lin...

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