Archive for November 15th, 2008

Monkey Day Art Show

Every year on December 14th we celebrate Monkey Day! One of this year's events is a charity art auction at the Basement 414 gallery in Lansing, Michigan. Proceeds from the auction will benefit Chimps, Inc., a shelter t...

Percussive Bass

(YouTube link) Jayen Varma, known as the world's fastest bass player, can play up to 36 percussive notes per second! Here he is jamming with guitarist Sumesh Parameswar. Their band RagacatZZ plays a fusion of Indian...

Examining Sad LOLcats

Salon has a look at why we are drawn to LOLcats, and particularly to sad LOLcats. They consulted New York Times cartoon editor Bob Mankoff. The first reason sad lolcats can be so powerful, Mankoff suggested, is t...

Chiquita Banana Chandelier

Dutch artist Anneke Jacobs collected discarded Chiquita banana cartons and stitched them together into a fabulous chandelier with regular office staples: Linklamp, recycled art...

Haruo Suekichi's Steampunk Watches

Haruo Suekichi is a Japanese artist who specializes in making wonderful steampunk watches. In the past 12 years, Haruo has made some 7,000 watches - he started out selling them in the flea market, but now his watches are...

The Infinity Bookcase

Photo: Job Koelewijn - via KNAW PressphotoDutch artist Job Koelewijn sure knows how to make an awesome bookcase. Behold his lemniscate (look it up) bookshelf that represents the infinite power of books and learnin' - via...

Excavator Tower Climbing Stunt

Our pal Dark Roasted Blend dug up these photos of a hydraulic excavator climbing a tower. Supposedly, it's a publicity stunt by Lebherr hydraulics, to show off the strength of their machines.Previously on Neatorama: How...

Southern California is Burning (Again!)

That's the Sylmar fire that's raging in Southern California. I took that photo just an hour or so ago from my backyard (I live just one city away). So far, it has destroyed 600 mobile homes and caused 10,000 residents to...

Mobile Treadmill

If you think about it, treadmills are kind of weird: you walk or run but never go anywhere ... So Alex Astilean of SpeedFit decided that he'll remedy that paradox.Behold the first human-powered mobile treadmill ... and b...

Obama Newspaper Headlines Mosaic

Remember our post about the newspaper front pages about the Obama victory? Well, here's a collage of over 600 headlines made into a poster: Link (with a zoomable version, too!)...

Helical-Elliptical Gears

So what's so interesting about a gear made out of wood? Take a closeer look: it's elliptical! Woodworker and artist Steven Garrison made helical (and helical-elliptical) gears using conventional woodworking techniques. T...

The Time Machine: An Interactive Adventure

(YouTube link) Remember the "Choose Your Adventure" books where you skipped around different versions of the story? The comedy team of Chad, Matt, and Rob have created a video version! Watch as the three zip around th...

Spike the Potato

"Spike the Potato" is a highly amusing game for any party. All that is needed is a single large potato, a number of paper cones, and some needles. Actually, according to the above blurb, you also need glue, s...

Lunch Bag Art

Lunch Bag Art is a blog by an anonymous artist who draws elaborate pictures on his kids' lunch bags. Link via Urlesque...

The Mickey Mouse Version of Optimus Prime

Is it a robot Mickey Mouse that transforms into an Optimus Prime? Or an Optimus Prime that transforms into Mickey Mouse? This would make for a great debate on a first date with that girl from work. Doing so will imp...

Bunny Concert

(Video Link) I find this video strangely addictive. It has bunnies eating, but the way that it's presented, it looks like they're singing. And they're singing an even more strangely funny song, which I can't identif...

Things You Probably Don't Need #4

OK, I was roundly rebuked when I said you probably didn't need the slanket. I even heard from friends who were like, "What is wrong with you?!" and my own mother called me to say, "You were getting that for Christmas un...

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