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Cuttlefish Cloaking Device
Ever see a cuttlefish turn on its cloaking device ... er, camouflage?
It. Is. Awesome. Here's the short and sweet video clip: Link |
Afghanistan Waterfall of Rocks
Danish soldiers stationed in Afghanistan filmed this crazy rockslide
where boulders the size of cars were tossed around like they were
nothing. Link |
Venti Does NOT Mean Large
Or how to be a douchebag in Starbucks. But seriously, folks, am
I the only one who (when I do rarely visit the overpriced coffee
establishment) order a "large" coffee? Link |
Kid vs. Mom
All right: first, watch the clip. Then tell me if this is a display
of poor parenting skills or a justifiable Hulk smash action by the
mom. Oh dear! Link |
Cannot ... get ... comfortuhbuhls ...
Okay, let's end today's VideoSift picks with something funny (I
promise, no cats): a cute little dog can't get comfy enough in its
lil' bed. Link
(from the ever dependable Cute
Overload) |
For more the web's most interesting videos, check out: VideoSift.
I work there, and while it doesn't bother me in the slightest when people order their drinks as small/large/whatever out of habit, I find it ridiculous that people do it out of principle. There's no need to be so anti-establishment. It's just coffee.
the city is a whole lot more interesting now
but many friends lost their jobs within one day's notice
so pants to starbucks.
In my opinion though it's better than places that refuse to call anything small..starting with medium..where employees have actually asked me what I meant by 'small' or replying with 'medium? we have medium, large and extra large'. Now that is one of the most annoying marketing decisions ever.
On the face of it, the kid may have deserved it, but that's stepping into Abusive Mom territory.
If that mom/kid argument was real, then that's white trash parenting. But I don't have teenagers yet, so maybe I don't fully understand.
The dog one was the best though.
The mom who destroyed the laptop is demonstrating for us why the kid doesn't listen to her in the first place. When you act like a two year old throwing a tantrum how can anyone, let alone a child, respect you? She most likely paid for that comp so throwing it is really more a punishment for her than him and it sets a terrible example for her child.
Thankfully, the puppy was a nice unicorn chaser :)
me: a large cappucino, please.
sb: you mean a venti?
me: uhhh, large.
sb: venti.
me: large.
sb: venti.
me: large.
sb: sir, venti means large in italian
me: no, venti means twenty in italian. i do not want to buy twenty cappucinos.
sb: .uhhh, ok. one large cappucino.
-- then the line cleared up and i swallowed the marketingspeak just to expedite my cup of java.