5 Things You Didn't Know About James Bond

Think you know a lot about James Bond? Well, AskMen dug up some pretty esoteric fun facts about everybody's favorite spy. Here's the 5 Things You Didn't Know About James Bond - for example:

1- James Bond was inspired by an American zoologist

To come up with his Bond character, Fleming pooled traits from several people he knew and had read about. In naming his soon-to-be famous spy, Fleming picked James Bond after the famed bird expert with the same name. Bond wrote the acclaimed Birds of the West Indies, considered by many experts to be the definitive book on Caribbean birds. To come up with Bond’s cool demeanor, Fleming took attributes from real-life spies Sidney Reilly and Sir William Stephenson, as well as popular jazz composer Hoagy Carmichael. In fact, Fleming, who worked in British naval intelligence, also channeled his former peers in the creation of his iconic character. [...]

4- There are only seven 00s

You’re forgiven if you were under the impression that Bond’s MI6 organization was fully stocked with agents. Throughout the movies, we learn that Bond is one of just seven 00 agents spying for the British, but he has the best knack for staying alive. In different movies, we’ve see the deaths of 002, 003, 004, and 009. Agent 006, believed killed, returns as the villain in GoldenEye before he’s disposed of. Besides Bond, only the unnamed 008 proves to be a skilled agent. He’s mentioned several times as Bond’s replacement should he die or be pulled off a mission for insubordination. It’s unclear why no 001 or 005 have ever been mentioned.

Read the whole list here: Link

English isn't my first language, but shouldn' that have been "5 Things You Didn’t Knew About James Bond"

(I hope so, that would be my debut as a typo nazi :-) )
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If you were to use the word "knew" in this title, it would be "5 Things You Knew Not About James Bond" but that even sounds funny to the ear. Anyway, "did" is the past tense in this title, therefore no need for the past tense of "know"

Great list! Enjoyed reading it.
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Not sure if it's true as I never read the book but I heard somewhere that the original Bond in the novel was someone that was dark haired, nothing like Daniel Craig.
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"5 Things You Never Knew"
"5 Things You May Not Have Known"
"5 Things You Don't Know"
"5 Things You May Or May Not Know"
"5 Things I Know, But You Didn't Know"

Any of those will work.
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