Archive for November 9th, 2008

Darth Vader Toaster

A geek and his money are soon parted. For $55, you can own a toaster that burns the image of Darth Vader into your toast. Remember: once you turn to the crispy side of the force, forever will it dominate your destiny...

Honda Develops Assisted Walking Apparatus

Honda has developed a machine that helps disabled people walk and workers who must kneel a lot to avoid strain on their joints. Guided by one's own motions, it provides partial bodyweight support. Follow the link for...

Quilts Made by People With More Patience and Talent Than Me

I could lose a whole weekend to surfing over at Craftster. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've done that on multiple occasions. But who can blame me? When you see artwork like this, you tend to get inspired: Amazing,...

Virtual Lego Fashion Show

(Vimeo link) Lego minifigs model designs by Jean-Charles de Castelbajac. More information at design:related. -via Buzzfeed...

Church Brawl in Jerusalem

"Church" and "brawl" are not words you'd normally think of in the same sentence. However, confrontations between Christian sects are fairly common at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre {wiki} in Jerusalem, where six differ...

Last Wish

11-year-old Brenden Foster is dying of Leukemia. He has already surpassed the two weeks doctors estimated he had left. Too weak to leave his bed, Brenden confided his last wish to a crew from a local TV station. In...

Food Chain Friends

It's never too early to get your kids used to the idea that it's a dog eat dog world out there ... and FAO Schwarz (who knows how *hard* retail stores have it these days ...) can help. Behold the "Food Chain Friends...

1970's Dance Bands from Sweden

Yemii Pics has a collection of Swedish dance bands from the 1970's. Here you will find bands such as the Baracudaz, Teddy Boys and Tre Blå & En Gul (three blue and a yellow).

I'm Paying You With This Picture of a Spider ...

The bad economy got ya? Are you broke? Well, here's what one David Thorne tried to settle his debt with: a picture of a spider.Read the hilarious back and forth between him and the (not-so-amused) company: Link | The ori...

When The Shop Roams You

Caption: At top - customers sit at ease selecting groceries as shelf moves past. Lower photo shows clerk restocking the endless shelves. Inset shows operation of the novel store.Modern Mechanix blog has a snippet from a...

KimJongIller and Other Photoshoppery

Remember the post about the (purportedly) photoshopped Kim Jong Il on Neatorama a couple of days ago?Well, the InterWeb saw that and said "heck, we can do better!" So, without further ado, here are a few more p...

Who's Smarter: Engineers or Mathematicians?

A group of mathematicians and a group of engineers are traveling together by train to attend a conference on mathematical methods in engineering. Each engineer has a ticket whereas only one of the mathematicians has...

Do not go gentle into that good night, by Dylan Thomas

Fifty-five years ago today, the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas died of an alcohol overdose. Even if the name of the hard-drinking poet doesn't ring a bell to you, I'm sure you've heard of one of his most famous poems, Do no...

The Strangest Places To Put a Toilet

Docstoc user PowerfulPointer uploaded a funny set of clips of The Strangest Places To Put a Toilet (And Someone Did): Link(If you pay close enough attention, you'll see some of Neatorama's articles linked on that docstoc...

Making View-Master Scenes

Anyone who grew up during the heyday of the View-Master probably wondered how they made those 3D scenes. Florence Thomas was one of the artists responsible for the stereoscopic images. She would sculpt Disney character...

Maru, the Box-loving Cat

Remember the video of the cat who loved to dive into boxes? His name is Maru. He's a Scottish Fold who lives in Japan, and he has his own blog. Recent pictures and videos are labeled in English as well as Japanese. Lin...

Little House on the Prairie: For Adults Only?

The DVD release of the TV series Little House on the Prairie will be flagged "for adults only" in Finland! Universal Pictures did not want to pay for the Finnish government to inspect each episode to see if they are suit...

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