To Drink Or Not To Drink?

Coffee, that is. Here are ten benefits and 11 potential health risks associated with drinking coffee. But it's up to you to weigh how important or risky each finding is.
The key is quantity and quality. For those consuming moderate amounts of coffee (3-4 cups/day providing 300-400 mg/d of caffeine), there is little evidence of health risks and some evidence of health benefits. However, some people, including persons with hypertension, osteoporosis, heart disease, pregnant women, children, adolescents, and elderly may be more vulnerable to the adverse effects of coffee.

At least, coffee is far less toxic and more healthier than the sugar-laden drinks like soda.

Each item includes a link to the original research. Link -Thanks, Karen!

I don't know how healthy drinking coffee is or isn't, but all I know is every time I see someone on tv that is 90 or 100 years old that is asked about their diet, they almost always drink coffee.
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I wonder if many of these benefits are enhanced or negatively affected when one puts sugar and milk in the coffee. Because I cannot drink just plain ol'black coffee by itself makes me queasy. So, I also end up putting milk and a bit of sugar in it. Same thing with tea. But then again I think that is because I was brought up in a household where my Dad was brought up with the English sense of a "spot of milk and two cubes of sugar" in the tea cup.
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Anybody remember those great "Coffee Achiever" commercials in the U.S. run by the coffee industry? Those were great... fast paced, really frantic with the chorus of "Hold on tight to your dreams!" Hah hah... I am guilty of being a coffee achiever myself.

Make mine black and REALLY strong. If it's available, I'm stir in a dash or two (or 3) of unsweetened cocoa powder (sort of half-dissolves) for some extra anti-oxidents. The resulting sludge will kill anything trying to invade my body.
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It all depends on the size of one's "cup", afterall. I only have 2 cups worth, but each are 16oz. So maybe that is about a pot. Needless to say, I bring a thermos to work otherwise I'd be quite poor.
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It is by caffeine that I set my mind in motion. It is by the product of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire speed, hands acquire shakes, shakes become a warning. It is by caffeine that I set my mind in motion.
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