NaNoWriMo is upon us! Post your progress.

I posted way back in March that I was going to give National Novel Writing Month a shot this year. Uh, November came up really fast. But I've made good on my post - I'm working on the novel. I'm a bit behind, I admit - I started a couple of days late. I need to be averaging about 1,700 words a day to hit the 50,000 quota by November 30th (I know, 1,700 times 30 = 51,000, but 1,700 is a nice, round number). I should be at 8,500 words; I'm actually at 5,237 words.

A number of you said you were participating, too. Are you where you wanted to be on the word count? How's it going? Share your experience in the comments. I could use some inspiration!
Oh, here's my page, if you're interested.

Wow Stacy! Good luck with that project! I'd like to participate, but I don't have enough free time... you know, browsing the net, reading your website, commenting... it's time consuming! ;) Don't forget when you'll finish it, I'd love to read it! :)
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Hooray! (You can post the word count widget here so folks can get updates on your progress automatically!)

I'm at 8,100 ... I only write on weekends, so I should be at 10,000 but I'm always a slow starter. I find it's much better to be a little behind than ahead, keeps me from getting cocky.
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im at 5208.. ive been sick the past 2 days so most of my computer time has been spent trying not to get too behind on my work work. but im feeling better now so i'll probably be writing tomorrow. if anyone wants to add me on the nano site, my user name is...this shouldn't be a surprise... seekshelter

i've also been hitting some of the south austin write-ins
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Good luck to you Stacy and everyone else who joins in! I'd love to join you folks, however, I can't even write more than two pages in my journal! ;)
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I've thought about doing this, but there's no way I could ever finish something like this in a month. I seem to have no problem generating one or two 1,000-1,500 word posts on my Blog per week (plus a couple of shorter ones,) but 50,000 words in a month is just a bit more than my attention span will allow. I tend to be something of a VERY finicky writer, and would not do well with such a quantity over quality approach. Editing, it would seem, is for the weak.

That said, I've got an idea for something I'd like to try that would be more in line with the 1,500-2,000 words per week approach on a Blog, If I can get the basics in order I plan to kick this off at the beginning of the year, and write on a weekly basis. Over the course of a year, that should easily be good for 75-100,000 words.
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Woo! I'm doing it as well, for the third year. It's loads of fun, and the feeling of satisfaction at the end is incomparable...

I'm currently at a shade over 7000, so I'm a little behind as well, but stick with it! It's easy to get bogged down during Week Two, but just keep writing and everything will be awesome forever.

Oh, and I'm Kublai Khan on the forums.
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I tried last year, and failed miserably. And this year I forgot about it! I'm maybe going to use the month to motivate myself and write a radio script in the month - they only tend to be 40 pages long though. :)
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If I said I was doing it then, I've forgotten by now!

Perhaps I should start, :P I don't know how good it will sound, I'm a rather picky writer as well, but I'm going to try!
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I'm at 6541 words, tomorrow I need to write 3459 words to catch up to where I'm supposed to be.
I wrote a little web app that helps people get writing done, it's called Write or Die.
If you stop writing, there will be consequences.
Gentle Mode: Polite Warning Box
Normal Mode: Unpleasant Sound
Kamikaze Mode: Stop writing and your work will start unwriting itself.
Good for NaNo and writing in general.
Good luck fellow Novelists!
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I love NaNoWriMo. Last year I opted out since the baby was a mere 3 weeks when it started, but I'm on it this year! The story line is kind of all over the place, but it's going along ok.

@ a tad over 5,000.
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I don't know if this would be cheating (on several levels at that), but I dedicated November to finishing up the final revisions to my first draft to the story I started in June and worked on through July. It's also in quasi screenplay format but with expanded narratives and descriptions instead of just stage directions or simple explanations of actions. Rough math has me at 60k words, shrink out about 15% to 20% for screenplay formatting (proprietary app, reinstalled Windows on PC, need to install app, used my original text file to calculate word count which has been revised more than 50 times since), scene headers (though I could argue it's a less wordy version of a introduction to location), etc... that puts me at roughly 48,000 to 50,000 words. First draft at standard screenplay margins once the story was completed ran 247 pages. Widening the margins and shrinking the font brought it down to 195. Definitely too big to be shopping around... though I do wonder what I should do with it when I'm done revising and making corrections.
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Wow! I'm so pleased to see my favorite website post about my favorite writing contest (which is currently consuming all extra energy and mental acuity I have). I'm at 8618 after spending the last two days trying to catch up.

You can definitely do it, and just remember, when those writing muses really get to you, those words are just going to pour out! Good luck!
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I'm doing it too, this year is my second time. I won just under the wire, finishing on the 30th last year.

This is my link:

I'm at 22,311 words right now. I don't have it in front of me, but I know I'm over 75 pages. I'd love to finish early this time, but there's always the possibility of a HUGE case of writer's block.

It's still early days, if you're not doing it yet, it's not too late to start! :D
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I'm at 6700. To date the biggest challenge I've had is ignoring that little word counter at the bottom of the screen that automatically updates as I type. I'll pound out a paragraph and that damn counter updates and I say, "Really? Fifteen words? It felt more like 1000."
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Wow, what a coincidence. I had totally "written off" the contest due to a slogging, stifled storyline. Until just this morning, upon waking from a muse-infested dream that gave me the direction I needed. Contest or no, I will be writing in earnest tonight, and more!
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Yay! Good luck! I got a late start with elections and whatnot and pounded out my first 3,000 words last night. Already I hate my main character :)

Keep those fingers flying!
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I'm at 6,048 and kind of starting to regret NaNo (it doesn't help that the person who I agreed to do it with gave up already...). I didn't write Tuesday because of the election and yesterday I had an allergic reaction that took out my hands, so my momentum is a bit shot. If I can get close to 10,000 words by the end of today I might keep going. It's tough!
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After completing the goal last year (though that story is far from finished) I couldn't let it pass this year. It was too much fun. I haven't started working on tonight's quota, I am just about to. Bonne chance, everyone!
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This is my first year and so far I'm loving it. I'm currently and eight thousand-and-something, and am hoping to hit the big 10k tonight.

Good luck, fellow NaNo-ers!
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