Obama Won!

Photo: No. Nein [Flickr]

It's official: Barack Obama has made history in being elected the 44th President of the United States! Congratulations to President-Elect Obama!

Comments (162)

I'm so fricken happy!! This is the first time I'm supporting and hopeful for the leader of this country instead of constantly disappointed, frustrated, and sad! I'm so happy!!
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I still think Ron Paul would have been a better choice than either the candidates too bad the big corporations do the majority of the work for the campaigns. That being said, I'm glad Obama won, its about time America has entered a new chapter in politics where now I believe anyone can be elected. Now we just have to sit back and see what happens.
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What an amazing day. The ultimate color barrier has been broken, now any child can dream of one day becoming president.

I have never seen such excitement over a presidential election.

Obama's opening lines say it all, we are ALL Americans regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, etc.

Change is a coming! God bless Obama and God Bless America!!!!!
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Well, as a Canadian and a great supporter of the democratic process allow me to congratulate the American people for voting in what is most certainly a historical event. Record number of voters and various societal changes have occurred today. Lets hope that in the coming months things will get better. :) Bury the hatchet of the past and look towards the future!
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It is an achievement for Americans. But I remain a skeptic. Would the American people vote a homosexual into office? I hope in the years to come we see a true "land of the free"

(imagine if mccain got in...*shudder*)
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I am also happy to see that the right candidate for this moment in history was chosen. McCain would have been a good President in other moments of history... just not for us right now.

I still can't believe on the night the FIRST Afro-American is voted for President, the same people would turn around and vote YES on Prop 8. Do those same people forget all the history of discrimination? Don't these people understand that they should not use their religious beliefs to justify their ideas when it comes to basic human rights?
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We have witnessed a great victory here tonight not only the United States but all of human kind. While there are no quick fixes for the many problems we face, I believe that with President Obama we can at least begin to move in the right direction.
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All of us here were at a definitive fork in the road...and we took the brave, hopeful way. I am elated to be allowed to be hopeful again. I am proud of us again.

I'd also like to say I thought McCain's speech was classy and gracious. He should never be lumped into the Bush/Palin far right nutjobs.

(Also, I got a free coffee, ice cream cone, and movie...voting pays!)
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Yes we could!
I have never felt this way about a presidential election before. My vote counted, everyone's vote counted, and American apathy was sloughed off in favor of empowerment.

There's no magic bullet for the problems we face, but with President Obama, average Americans are motivated to make real changes in our communities, and to rebuild the honor of our nation in the eyes of the world.

I'm an atheist, but God bless America.
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Suck it, John Doe. Douchebag.

I am really looking forward to 2012 when I'll remind all these stupid fucks of their predictions and point out how very very wrong they were.

McCain's concession speech was dignified and classy. Far classier than any of his supporters have.
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Some can say that this is how liberty / freedom dies...

For me liberty and freedom was dying the last 8 years, and honestly, a couple decades before that as well. Perception of the world around us is an interesting study, especially when our country is so often heavily divided in our support for one leader or another.

Now let us, as a country that has people who feel strongly one way or the other for various issues and leaders band together and address the state of the environment as the most important focus. If the delicate ecological balance of this planet is irrevocably altered, it is possible for this planet to not be able to sustain human life.

I would have been a Bush supporter if he chose to address this issue at all, and out of the 2 candidates, Obama got my vote- I feel he may be the more capable and driven to actually address this all encompassing issue.
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"I still can’t believe on the night the FIRST Afro-American is voted for President, the same people would turn around and vote YES on Prop 8. Do those same people forget all the history of discrimination? Don’t these people understand that they should not use their religious beliefs to justify their ideas when it comes to basic human rights?"

Barack Obama used his religious views when discussing the controversial topic of gay marriage. He claims to be a Christian, and is against it. However, him and Joe Biden are for civil unions and gay rights.
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As a european i must congratulate all of you, I think this is a huge step forward for america. And to be honest a way to get back the respect your country has lost over here in the past 8 years. Great job.
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Hello, Europe! See what we did there?

We're in it to win it, and we said so with a big voice. John McCain said in 2000, "I really don't want the job." "Barry" Obama said in 3rd grade, in a question all of us were asked, What do you want to be when you grow up? His classmates said things like firefighter, and policeman. "Barry" said he wanted to be President of the United States.

And now he will be. Epic.
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Amazing, simply amazing. I was watching the results trickle in all night, and soon it dawned on that he really won. It was amazing, for a short while it looked like Obama would take Texas for example, just watching how people everywhere turned out for this election in record numbers is something everyone should feel proud of.

Both candidates were very humble in their final speeches, I only wish the entire campaign could have been carried out with that decorum. Both of them asking to heal the rifts of the election and work together for a better tomorrow.

I'm proud this was my first I could vote in.

Yes we can indeed.
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Congratulations Barack Obama!

I hope all the millions who voted for him realize that now the actual work begins. Casting a vote is the easiest part of democracy. I hope all the people he inspired stay active and help make our country a better place.
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I did not vote for Barack Obama, and I am not sure I agree with where he will take us. However, I can't help but be a little excited to see the race barrier broken in the USA. I am eager to see what happens.

Congratulations Mr. Obama. Make us proud to be Americans again. While I may not have always agreed with you, I have always respected you.

I think that John McCain gave a beautiful concession speech. He has a tremendous amount of respect for Mr. Obama. He is a great American, whether you agree with his politics or not.
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The South here...

Just swung by to say I'm glad Obama won...maybe y'all Northern folk will stop slandering us as bigots and stubborn folk someday...I hope it happens sometime soon...
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I stayed up as late as I could watching CNN here in Germany, but fell asleep...but this was such a great thing to wake up to this morning! Congratulations to America!
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Well, I guess there is some good news in all this...

If a President as bad as Carter was never elected, we may never have gotten a President as great as Reagen. So I hope in four years we will have an awesome President.
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People are celebrating all over the world. Here in the far corner of Europe, in the tiny country of Finland everyone is happy and relieved. Everyone is talking about Obama and how the republican reign of terror is about to end. Can you hear the joyful singing and cheering? It's coming from Europe too :)
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I want to join zazie. Congrats from Germany! I wish the American people four successfull years. Now we will see what the future might hold. You did the first step of giving us back the confidence in America. Thank you guys!

To all John Does out there: You suck! Please stop mixing selfishness with liberty! We all buried liberty seven years ago and we are all about to shovel so much stuff on top of it's grave to be sure it will never revive.
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Maybe this can be the start of the American people regaining some respect from the rest of the world. The re-election of Dubya was one of the most moronic democratic decisions in political history. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
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THANK GOD! I hope we can all come together now and support our new President. IMAGINE!!! P.S. Yes, someday there may be a homosexual president and yes, someday there may be a woman president and it will all depend on the content of their character. This is a great country, even with all our problems.
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who cares about dreaming to be president, dreaming of things like that is for power hungry whores.

your god had nothing to do with this you blind religious sheeple, it's to do with how many people voted for who!

obama's the better choice, but still expect more war in more countries whilst he's in power. his talk of change was just a gimmick, what else was he gonna say!?!

'You Americanos have no idea how little this matters.'

so true.
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Comrads, we are entering a new age where we live and work for the Greater Good... Going to college is a waste of time, working to better yourselves will help better others who are undeserving.
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Bush was actually a decent president. Sure he made some bad decisions, but what president hasn't? Most of the bad decisions that happened came from the CONGRESS which was run by the DEMOCRATS.
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Also, the only change that has happened and will ever happen during this term is that he's a black president. That's it. Nothing else. You can't change America without changing the whole constitution or the government.
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I voted my conscience so voted for neither McCain or Obama, but I am very glad that Obama won over McCain. It feels good to see so many people happy and hopeful again. I don't know if people realize how important the overall attitude of the people of this country is. Standing behind our President and being proud of our country is SO important in so many ways and clearly a lot of people couldn't find it in themselves to do either of those things in many years. So, now, I hope they keep this kind of respect and admiration so we can build this country back up. I'm so over America-bashing.

Thank you to my fellow Californians for overwhelmingly agreeing that some farm animals should be treated a little better (before you kill and devour their flesh and organs) and F-YOU to my fellow Californians for taking away the right of gays to marry. It's so sad that a day that shines for so many has to be tainted in such a terrible way. It shows how far we've come and how far we still have to go (I would add that the misogynistic attitude of so many with the Palin jokes over the last couple months shows that the attitude towards women has a long way to go, too).
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It was a forced, artificial decision between fascism and communo-fascism. Communo-fascism won.

I, for one, welcome our new authoritarian overlords!

They're the same as the old authoritarian overlords.

I think it's getting close to time to take up a life at sea.
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This is a scary day. I wonder how swiftly his middle eastern advisors will begin controlling him! I cant believe that many people voted on race without knowing his background!
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Uhmmm.... how about we all stop being so negative and just be glad that there was finally something that got people out to vote.

Congratulations Obama!

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“I still can’t believe on the night the FIRST Afro-American is voted for President, the same people would turn around and vote YES on Prop 8. Do those same people forget all the history of discrimination? Don’t these people understand that they should not use their religious beliefs to justify their ideas when it comes to basic human rights?”

Barack Obama used his religious views when discussing the controversial topic of gay marriage. He claims to be a Christian, and is AGAINST gay marriage. However, him and Joe Biden are for civil unions and gay rights. Many people I've talked to are misinformed about this topic, even though their stance was clear in the VP debate.
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I for one am glad to see that everyone STILL thinks that Southerners are illiterate, racist bigots with their heads up their asses (or their cousins' asses).

I'm also glad to see that millions of people voted for the President of the United States of America based on color. Now the rest of the world has to like us, right?

I'm even more glad to see that that we have yet another Democratic president in place to further ruin the economy.

With that bit of sarcasm over, would Neatorama have posted a bid INSPIRATIONAL picture of McCain had he won? No. I am only commenting on this because I come to this website to learn important info, not to have ignorant viewpoints shoved in my face. That being said, everyone just enjoy the next four (eight?) years with no Republican in office to blame.
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@Random X

Dems have had Congress for 2 years...uh, what happened to the other 6 years during Bush's tenure, when the GOP had the floor?

Yeah, I think that you left your thinking cap in a public toilet...
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@Sadie Thompson

Millions of people voted for Obama because they felt he would take this country in a new direction. Millions of votes were not based on race (although I'm sure some were; to deny that would be ridiculous...as was the case for McCain and whites, and Clinton and women with feminist leanings...)

Do not be so quick to forget that our economy is in its' present state because of two terms of a REPUBLICAN president.

You say you are not on this website to learn important info, when anyone who reads Neatorama knows that many of the posts have absolutely no importance whatsoever. It is a fun and interesting site, which occasionally posts stories on topical subjects. Having ignorant viewpoints shoved in your face...!? I don't know if you are a Southerner (although, it is likely, considering your comment), I don't believe you *are* illiterate (you seemed to have strung a couple of sentences together cohesively, however narrow-minded), and I don't know if you are racist (but based on your comment about Mr. Obama, being voted in practically by a landslide, was due to race...it seems that it is possible that you are.) I do know one thing: the only ignorant person I noticed after reading your comment...is you.
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Thank you for pointing out my shortcomings. As many people have stated, the president prior to George W. Bush is responsible for a great deal of our current economic problems. Bush certainly didn't alleviate them.

As for me being a racist, no. Had I voted based solely on color, then I would have been a racist. Since I didn't, I'm not.
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RE: Anthony
November 4th, 2008 at 11:46 pm
"Suck his enormous African-American wang,The South!"

Keep it classy, Anthony! That's the spirit! If you had half a brain cell you'd realize that "the south" didn't all vote 100% for McCain. In fact, several southern states went for Obama, including mine, Florida. What you are witnessing is the birth of the New Southern Democrat. Don't let your prejudice ruin the moment of unity we are all feeling here in America, southerners included. Your anti-south attitude is as much as an anachronism as is the confederate redneck who refuses to go north of the Mason-Dixon line. You need to let go of your prejudices and misconceptions about us, ok? We are proud southerners and Americans too, don't forget that.


Your Proud Southern White Guy and Obama Supporter and Volunteer.
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Wow, never thought I'd live to see an African-American voted for president. Can't think of what the world would be like with McCain as president. *shudders*
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It is truly the greatest day ever. Unfortunately, tt seems like the closed-minded, sheep follower people who believe(d) the Far Right’s campaign Propaganda (AKA LIES) that Obama is a ‘Socialist’ just can’t let it go and shut up about it. I guess we’ll have to wait a little while for Obama to prove them wrong. Fortunately, this will not be difficult. The funny thing is that some Repub pundits have already admitted that accusing Obama of being a “socialist radical” was just part of their dirty smear campaign. They know he’s neither. But telling the truth doesn’t work for the kind of campaigns those folks like to run. So, all you haters out there calm down and PAY ATTENION. It really can’t be healthy to hold so much smoldering and irrational hate in your heart, and for no reason other than ignorance.

And please, nobody voted based on color. Yhey voted based on the better candidate, and the better candidate won.
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A great day for the USA.

And for those of you who keeping whining about how Obama will turn the country into a socialist nation, sit down and shut the f*ck up. It's already happened, under a conservative REPUBLICAN administration no less. In the last few months the government has effectively nationalized the home mortgage business (Fannie & Freddie), investment insurance (AIG), and investment banking (too many to list). Expect more as the $750 bailout is paid out.

Even the most socialist nations of Western Europe have not achieved such sweeping control of the financial sector. The history books will remember Bush as one of the most socialist, government-expanding presidents in US history.
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I am very proud to have voted for Obama. And my first time voting, too (I'm one of those "young voters" they were talking about all night)

I really think the atmosphere here in NY and all across the country is something that should be cherished and admired. But we as a nation have to keep this vehicle moving. Barack will not save us from certain doom just because he's in office, he needs the help of the American people. And those people, at this moment, actually seem to care. I just hope it will continue like this.

And I really loved John McCain. He's a great person with a few views that are different than mine. His concession speech was very heart-felt and it was touching to see him upset at his crowd for booing some of the things he was saying. It shows that he really respects this country and the leader that was chosen. And I feel that Obama really respects McCain as well.

I really have a good feeling about this.
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white people prepare to get your rights taken away! i'm no racist but most black politicians and "reverends" are so watch out.....this is so disappointing.....where's my white entertainment channel? i want it now if this is a supposedly equal rights country.....
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"Barack Obama’s senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week’s election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harbouring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve."
Anyone here that has mentioned tears, their heart, breathlessness and, frankly, change - get ready to be bought back to earth.
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@ me: you have your channels... it's every channel but BET.

I for one am excited that OBAMA has been elected as the new president of the United States.

What I can't get over is the fact that people believe that just because we have the first black president that all of a sudden America has become a color blind society. Having Obama as president is going to test his character in more ways than he realizes and IF he doesn't succeed his failure is going to resonate not only for him but also for all communities of color in the US. Don't just assume that because he was elected all of a sudden marginalized communities in the US will become better off. People are still racist, they still hate and they will still discriminate even with Obama as president. It takes everyone making small changes for BIG changes to occur in the US.

He has a lot of work to do and it's doubtful that he will be able to fix everything in 4 years. But at this point CHANGE is absolutely necessary and there's no on e better to get the job done than Obama. GOBAMA! '08 and '12!
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