Clever Architecture Designs Incorporating Biomass Power System

When asked about alternative energy, most people think of solar and wind power generators. But there are other forms, like geothermal or biomass power system.

Our pal WebEcoist explores one unique benefit of using this form of alternative energy:

Unlike solar and wind power generators, earth-based energy sources such as geothermal or biomass power systems are often completely invisible in the finished design of a building with one. However, in hidden partnership with other sustainable systems biomass and thermal energy strategies have been incorporated into the design and construction of some amazing architectural structures.

Link - Thanks Mu!

Comments (2)

I had always wondered if using the same concept of building production plants out on the sea can be turned into desalination plants. Oil is pretty much a problem today but potable water is the supposed next big thing that will cause global problems.

Other than that I think it's a great idea for Biomass Power Systems like these. Although I'm not as interested in the bizarre architecture ad structure of them.
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