Archive for October 2008

80's Music Vids

Are you a big fan of 80's music? Well then you're in luck. This site contains over 1,000 classic music videos from the 1980's that you can choose from. Enjoy! LINK Videos music...

Soft Drink Can Generator

With Soft Drink Can Generator, you can create your own brand of carbonated sugar water. Enter some text, choose an emblem, pick your colors and patterns, and click the 'Go' button. A soft drink can will be generated....

How 10 American Towns Got Their Weird Names

The following is an article from Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader, by Kathy Kemp, author of Welcome to Lickskillet: And Other Crazy Places in the Deep South Plan to hit the road next su...

Wernher von Braun's Moon Rocket

When he's not busy designing rockets for Nazi Germany (and subsequently for the United States after he defected), Wernher von Braun liked to think about sending man to the moon. Here's a 1952 sketch of what von Braun tho...

How Fast Are You: Test Your Reaction Time

So - you think you're pretty quick, eh? Well, give this little Flash game "Reaction Time" a try. The goal is simple: click the mouse when you see the button change color and see how fast you really are.Link [Fl...

How Worm Charming Really Works

How does worm charming trick earthworms to rise up to the surface? Researcher Ken Catania of Vanderbilt University found the answer: worm charmers create vibrations similar to that of the worms' predator, the mole:&q...

Kirk and Spock Nutcrackers

Here's the perfect nutcracker for the geek you love: Kirk and Spock nutcrackers at What on Earth. The 12-inch nutcrackers are $34.95 a pop, but they're currently on backorder.Link - via GeeksAlertIf only there is one sha...

Climbing The Fang

Photo: QT Luong/TerragalleriaEnvironmental Graffiti blog has a pretty neat post about frozen waterfalls - this one is a photo of an ice climber scaling The Fang in Vail, Colorado:The enormous ice pillar forms from th...

Real Life Skills Learned by Playing Video Games

From their famed Photoshop Phriday, here's Something Awful's take on what real life skills are learned by playing various video games: Link - via Blue's News...

Bambi: Top "Tear Jerker" Movie of All Time

Pearl & Dean, a British movie advertising company, conducted an online survey to find out the top "tear-jerker" movie of all time.Here are the top 10 list, via the Daily Mail:1. Bambi (1942)2. Ghost (19...

Vampire Energy: Electricity Use of Electronics Simply By Being Plugged In

In Vampire Energy, Good Magazine and Nigel Holmes take a look at "stand-by power" or how much electricity is used by all the electronics and appliances simply by being plugged in, even if they are not turned on...

Art From Code: Turning Computer Codes Into Visual Art

Art From Code is a blog by Keith Peters about turning source codes into visual art - he's mum on the process (explained here) but there's no arguing that the results are very intriguing: Link...

The Best Solar Eclipse Photo You'll See Today

Photo: Miloslav Druckmuller (Brno University of Technology), Peter Aniol, Vojtech Rusin - Biggify hereThis has got to be one of the most beautiful photo of a solar eclipse I've ever seen (and the relatively small pic on...

Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Comparative Heights of Mountains and Lengths of Rivers

Title: A comparative view of the lengths of the principal rivers of Scotland (with comparative view of the height of the falls of Foyers and Corra Linn), John Thomoson's Atlas of Scotland (1831)BibliOdyssey blog has a re...

Upside Down Dogs Blog

There's a blog for all kinds of stuff on the InterWeb, so why not for ... upside down dogs! Link - via Bits & Pieces...

DIY Fantasy Pumpkin

This Halloween, don't just settle for that ho-hum jack-o-lantern. Instead, make some fantasy pumpkins like this fantastic carriage pumpkin. Hallmark Magazine has the DIY guide: Link - via Ursi's BlogHere are my "lazy, no...

Amy Winehouse Zombie

Photo: pageofbats [Flickr]Spotted at the Calgary Zombie Walk 2008, here's the Amy Winehouse walking dead. Unfortunately, the health of the real Amy Winehouse isn't too far off from the photo above - via The Seven Deadly...

Snake-Eating Spider

Here's something for those of you who are afraid of snakes and spiders: a dramatic photo gallery at The Cairns Post of a redback spider eating a snake!The email accompanying the images claims a rece...

The World's Oldest Bank

With all the news of banks imploding nowadays, it's refreshing to read an article about some of the world's oldest surviving banks. This one above is from Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, founded 1472 in Siena, Italy. It...

iPhone App Cupcakes

Photo: nickbilton [Flickr]Nick and Danielle Bilton made these awesome iPhone App Cupcakes. They took first place at the NYC Cupcake Decorating Championships and Ignite NYC: - via RuebenMil...

Crime Scene Scarf

Michelle Kempner designed this knit scarf called The Fuzz. Clever, huh? Link -Thanks, Tommy! Update 2/10/09 - we now have this scarf at the Neatorama Online Store (cheaper, too!):

Hummingbirds in Flight

Look at the bill on this hummingbird! The Sword-billed Hummingbird is the only bird in the world which has a bill that is actually longer than its body. As such it is unable to preen itself and has to use its fee...

Knitted Toilet Paper

Here's a free pattern that will enable you to knit a roll of toilet paper. After all, who doesn’t need a roll of knitted toilet paper? Link -via Everlasting Blort...

34 Geeky Pumpkin Faces

Eran Abramson has a roundup of 34 geeky jack-o-lanterns featuring scenes from movies, comics, computer logos, and video games. I particularly liked this Pac-Man tableau. Link -Thanks, Eran!...

Cartrider by Jaebeom Jeong

We've probably all played around with a shopping cart in the store's parking lot - but Korean artist Jaebeom Jeong took it a step further: here's Cartrider, a bicycle and shopping cart hybrid!Link - via Core77...

Winking Sarah Palin in LEGO

I just wanted you to know that I've tried hard to avoid the temptation of posting a lot of political stuff on Neatorama because some of you get all worked up in the comment section, but I couldn't resist this one: the...

Dreaming in Black and White

Do you dream in color? Or black and white? It turns out that the color of your dreams is determined by what TV you watched growing up:While almost all under 25s dream in colour, thousands of over 55s, all of whom wer...

The Miller-Urey Experiment Revisited

Almost six decades ago, when Stanley Miller was just a 22-year-old PhD student, he and his professor Harold Urey did an experiment that became legendary in science: Miller mixed basic chemicals that were present in primo...

The Banana Diet Fad

There's a new diet fad sweeping through Japan: the Morning Banana Diet, where you eat only bananas for breakfast, then anything you want for lunch and dinner ... and it's making bananas a scarce commodity!Keiko Akai...

Grandma Threatened with Jail Over Garage Conversion

Having solved all of its problems like crime and poverty, La Quinta, California, is going after Ageda Camargo. The 83-year-old grandma may land in jail for ... an illegal garage conversion!Camargo, a grandmother of s...


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