Companies have integrated ads into video games for quite some time now, but this is the first time election campaign ads have been used in virtual reality games. Is this a good idea? Will it be effective? The ABC World News Webcast takes a look.
Link to segment.
Link to entire webcast.
We get those bloody ads forced down our throat ALL THE TIME. You know why I use adblock and don't feel ashamed the tyniest little bit? It's not because I would not want to support good sites; it's because I can't stand it anymore. I won't take this messing with my unconsciousness if I can help it. I don't want to see or hear this nervous shite ever again. My mind has THE RIGHT to be left alone. We live with a constant stimulus overdose, and this sickens me. It makes me want to vomit. So for me, every ad I did not see or hear is the only ad I can and will accept. If I can't get rid of the ads (zapping away, adblock and so forth) I just won't consume the content around it. Same goes for games.
Palins face would make me buy the game happily.