Hyperinflation: In Zimbabwe, Everyone's a Multi-Billionaire

Think that the economy is bad? Be thankful that we're not in Zimbabwe, where $100 billion note buys you ... three eggs!

After the collapse of the agriculture sector in Zimbabwe in 2000, the inflation in that country skyrocketed to 231 million percent a year! Just think about it - 231 000 000%! Unemployment went up to 80% and a third of country’s population left it.

Let`s now have a look at the photos that you may not be able to see anywhere else in the world.

Link - via Presurfer

I guess ye'all needed them White farmers afterall, eh?

Zimbabwe President labels White farmers 'enemies':
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Ummm, excuse me if I'm wrong but I think this is a tad stale. I heard about that note a while back but more recently I heard that it was officially changed, so that 100 billion zimbabwian (?) dollars became 1 zimbabwian (again, sp.?) dollar.
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If you read the comments at the bottom of the series of pictures, you'll find out that the government has had to remove 16 zeros and will probably be removing more in the future.
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I can almost hear an Austin Powers movie dubbed into "Zimbabwese" now:

DR. EVIL: I am demanding ransom of [dramatic pause] 100 Billion Billion dollars!

SCOTT: [Rolls eyes at such a trifling amount demanded by his father]
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@redphone - sorry, if you look closely at the bill in the picture you can see that it's only worth $100 billion until Dec 31, 2008. It's pretty bad when your economy goes bad before the milk in the fridge does.
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