Caption Monkey 49: Elephant Seal and Penguin

Photo: Yva Momatiuk and John Eascott / National Geographic Magazine

Today's Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game features this fantastic photo of a bull elephant seal and a king penguin in the South Georgia Island, a rugged wildlife sanctuary near Antarctica (National Geographic Magazine has a neat article about the elephant seals by Susan Casey | Gallery by Yva Momatiuk and John Eascott - Thanks Marilyn!)

Funniest caption wins an original Laugh-Out-Loud Cat comic by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford - all you have to do is provide a caption for this photo in the comment section. One caption per comment, please. You can enter as many funny ones as you can think of.

For inspiration, check out Adam's blog. Good luck!

Update 10/30/08 - Adam has picked the winner! Congratulations to nate who won with this gem: "Santa ain't coming Frank. Not this year, not ever."

As Gary explored the shores of this recently discovered island he couldn't help but wonder what ancient civilization had carved these monuments and what was their purpose?
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A sudden sense of dread came over Bob as he realized that maybe his friend Hank had been in the mouth of the walrus just a bit too long...
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"I kept your eggs nice and warm while you were out on your morning swim. Now, where'd I put them, and what's all this gunk on my backside?"
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