A dog named Leo stayed behind in a burning home in Melbourne, Australia, to guard a box of kittens! Four family members and one dog escaped the fire.
Firefighters plan to nominate Leo for an honor to acknowledge his bravery. Link -Thanks, Larfin Jackarse!
"But Leo was still inside standing over the kittens, and we were scared he would get burned," she said. "We couldn't find Sabrina (mother of the kittens) and we thought they would all die."
The children sobbed with relief when firefighters rescued and revived 11-month-old Leo.
"Then we were told there was a box of kittens still in there, and firefighters returned to grab them too," Cdr Brown said.
He said Leo licked the kittens with joy when he saw them. "It was a wonderful sight," he said.
The kittens were unharmed because a cover on their box stopped them suffering smoke inhalation.
Firefighters plan to nominate Leo for an honor to acknowledge his bravery. Link -Thanks, Larfin Jackarse!
Newest 5 Comments
Now I want to know is where was the mother cat in these events? Maybe she started the fire for insurance purposes!? O_o
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That dog should be made head of the UNO, the world would be a different place.
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@Ted: I guess the glass will always be half empty for you :P
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What is it we need to learn, Marks? When the going gets tough, stay in your box, and someone else will take the heat?
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This is so inspiring! Thank you for posting some good news. It is needed and appreciated. :-)
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