Copenhagen Suborbitals is a Danish start-up company trying to make space travel affordable, assuming that you have no desire for creature comforts. Basically you're squished into a tiny nose cone and shot into the upper atmosphere. Sort of like when you were a kid and you put your brother's pet hamster into a model rocket and launched it.
Link via Geekologie
Link via Geekologie
Ever ride roller coasters?
Most exceed 3g. Do you pass out on them?
Anti-grav "pressurized suits keep the blood in your head. As well as breathing training which equates to grunt breathing to force even more blood into the head will negate the passing out.
Also, do you really think someone who is not given a Class A physical will be allowed to fly. Hell, Richard Garriott just went to the space station. Pilots for jets in the military are given the same training and physicals.
Next time read a book other than Gayboy., yeah...Definitely pass.
The prize goes to Mooncake, with Giachetti a close second.