The 40 Greatest Uses Of The Super Mario Theme

(YouTube link)

What, you don't like steel drums? See videos of all 40 ways to play the Super Mario theme at Rock the List. Link -via Gorilla Mask

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i may be the only one who noticed this, but those kids can't be any older than 17! that's definitely a high school percussion section most likely performing for their parents, teachers and peers (ah yes, i remember my days performing with mallet percussion in front of my own peers.. very nerve wracking indeed). they likely either wrote the music from memory or with the help of their band director because i'm not sure how many instruments have sheet music for the mario theme song. i have to say it was very well done! and yes, even with how "cliche" it has become to perform this song, it's amazing how universal it is. EVERYONE knows the first 7 notes. don't worry ted and oliver... as soon as kids stop playing video games this fad will go away. lucky for you, that will never happen. even if it does, everything is cyclical and it will only come back when the next generation re-discovers the radness of 8 bit video games.
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To answer a question:

No, the Super Mario Brother theme never gets old. Think otherwise is simply Wrong. Yes, it is possible to have a wrong opinion.

Anyone who doesn't get instantly cheered up by the first seven notes of Super Mario Brothers has no soul.
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