Hooray! (Or perhaps better: Yeehaw!) Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game is here! You can win an original Laugh-Out-Loud Cat Comic by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford for the funniest caption, but first, the story.
Behold artist Matthew Harrison's project "Hummer" at the fifth Zoo Art Fair in London, featuring a HUMMER H3 SUV sportin' wagon wheels! (Source)
Now on to the game: place your caption in the comment section. One caption per comment, please. You can enter as many funny ones as you can think of.
For inspiration, check out Adam's blog. Good luck!
Update 10/24/08 - Adam has picked the winner: Congratulations to Reverend Mike who won with this caption: "Rollin' on 1822s"