A 19-year-old teen formerly known as Jennifer Thornburg has legally changed her name to Cutout Dissection.com to protest animal dissection assignments in school:
Cutout, now a vegan, said that after she finished the assignment the images of bone and skin stuck with her. "I remembered what I saw during the dissection and I thought, 'this is wrong.' "
Those images are what compelled her to stand up for a change -- a name change. Jennifer Thornburg is now Cutout Dissection.com, as even her driver's license notes. [...]
No matter her steadfastness in sticking to principles, this newsmaker raises the question: What do Mom and Dad think?
Cutout said that her father's initial reaction was shock, but he recently said how proud he was of her for standing up for what she believes in.
Link | Story at PETA | Oh, and yes, CutoutDissection.com
Previously on Neatorama: Man Changes Name to KentuckyFriedCruelty.com
google.com and yahoo.com are friends. They met apple.com and msn.com in a party.....
:) hee hee heeeee
Okay, so now you're going to remember it forever, everytime you have to fill out a form. Brilliant move, genius.
and this girl is a tool, in both the figurative and the literal sense of the word. a tool of PETA, being used.