The National Hockey League has changed quite a bit over the past few years. Can you name all 30 current NHL teams in 5 minutes? That's the challenge today in the mental_floss Lunchtime Quiz. I didn't even try, as I knew I would fail miserably.
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I missed 5; Blue Jackets, Capitals, Ducks, Devils, and Predators. At least I rememebered all the Canadian ones :P
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Go Leafs! :D Of course, our team is full of a bunch of younger kids...they aren't doing to well. I say they just got the big time jitters. ;)
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got em all :) though I did enter a few that are no longer teams
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heh. i am obviously not a fan of hockey :)
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Don't worry Kuanes, You missed one and I could name maybe one. So we're even.
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