Yes, it's an oldie but it's still a goodie. Here's a T-shirt that wryly notes that something, somewhere along the course of the evolution of man, went terribly wrong!
Available in black and dark grey in Neatorama's Online Store: - just $9.95 + s/h
no fair. I miss everything...
The short span of technological evolution is our only hope luke skywalker. It's silly isn't it?
I can see another tee-shirt spoofing an Artificial Intellegence spawning another cybernetic caveman thats slightly a step ahead than our own.
The 5th one from the left just looks like a guy being dirty with himself. What was that, the 80s?
You've never seen that particular construction? Like... someone, somewhere, is [verb]ing. Something, somewhere, went wrong. It's more open-endedly dramatic than the duller declarative "Somewhere, something went wrong."
Look at the kind of staff the 5th one is using. That caused a problem in the printing process which unite the staff and the legs and that maked it looks like the lukeĀ“s skirt.
Sry about the english, im not native speaker.