He's a cat, flushing the toilet!

[YouTube - Link]

Here's an adorable music video for all you cat lovers and a quick apology for the cat haters for this as well. ;)

I just had to show this to all of you and have this song stuck in your head all day long while your at work or running your errands. At long last we can all rest a little easier knowing that the water crisis to come can be blamed on cats flushing toilets.

The song is by Parry Gripp who has bunch of other mind melting songs as well! You can find his website below.

via - BoingBoing

Parry Gripp Song Of The Week - Link

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That's good! Speaking of flushing toilets...What do a toilet, atomic bomb, and food heaved at a guitar have in common? Something called Spoiked!, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2oGysxM-j4
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