Hooray! It's time for Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey game! Funniest caption will win an original Laugh-Out-Loud Cat comic by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford - so make yours good!
Contest rules are easy: place your caption in the comment section. One caption per comment, please, but you can enter as many funny ones as you can think of. Good luck!
Update 10/15/08 - Adam has picked the winner! Congratulations to EDG who won with this caption: "Meet the Angelina Jolie of chickens."
I really misunderstood you when you said you had to give me “dog food” that one time
HENRIETTA: "Bawk you!"
chick: mom, wtf?
hey bird dog, get away from my...chick.
Grain: 10 cents
Big Comfortable Living Enclosure: 75 Dollars
Realizing your little brother was adopted: Priceless
Blood was in the air.