The Ghetto Wedding Dress


We've featured a lot of strange (and strangely bad) wedding dresses on Neatorama, but never - I repeat - never have I seen anything like this.

Behold, the ghetto wedding dress (all the best to the couple, by the way): Link - via Look At This

They're awesome for doing something unique, creative, and cheap for their wedding, but the comments on that forum about the photos make me sad. The first commenter says, "I'm leaving the f***ing country." I wish he would.
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I also happen to think this is cute. I like that each shirt says something about the person wearing it or the couple (like the one with "they met at my crib"). Some people just aren't comfortable dressing up or wasting money on a ceremony that is typically more about antiquated tradition as opposed to personal expression.
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It's ghetto b/c well, it is... just like if they were there with sweaters tied around their necks, wearing khaki shorts/pants etc etc, they'd be called preppy... has absolutely nothing to do with color so don't even bring up the race card BS.

Anyway... I think it's tacky as hell and it looks freakin awful. They ruined that pretty dress with fugly airbrushing. The guys could've been the only ones to get the airbrush stuff and it wouldn't have been so bad, but on the dresses it looks SO bleh.

Whatever though.... it's their day and I'm sure they were happy with it.
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gadabout has a point. This particular group of people may very well be doctors and lawyers. How dare we assume otherwise! I believe the happy couple's names are Buffy and Chip, taking time off from their cotillions and polo matches for a lark.

"Say Buffy, I've got a smashing idea for our nuptial ceremony... let's celebrate it in - oh, what's the word I'm looking for? Ghetto-style?"
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I think the airbrushing is kind of tacky, but the sentiment behind it is very cute! Had they done something similar without using airbrushing, it may be less tacky. I'm glad they had fun and enjoyed their special day. I don't plan on having a conventional wedding either. I also don't plan for my wedding photos to be placed on a lame pithy forum by a racist twat.
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I agree with Neslock, I read the comments and some of them are pretty sad and I think they're tinged with a bit of racism. One said he's/she's glad he/she didn't own a gun because he/she would shoot up the ghetto's. Wow. Would he/she feel that passionately if this was a still shot from My Big Redneck Wedding and the couple were wearing army fatigues? :-(

I, personally, wouldn't have an airbrushed dress, but it is unique and different. And if the couple liked it and they were happy on their wedding day, then I'm sure all the hate coming their way isn't fazing them.
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Alex, can you please learn the difference between singular and plural? You do not feature a lot of wedding dress. You feature a lot of wedding dresses. Dress = 1. Dresses = more than 1. We learn this in grammar school so I don't know why I keep seeing these mistakes in your posts. Thanks.
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I do give them kudos for being unique - but it isn't something I would do for my own wedding. It's definitely creative!

I also don't think 'ghetto' is being used in a racist sense in the article. I think it's a style that's being referred to, not race. I call things "gangsta" from time to time, but it has nothing to do with race.
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zav, Alex didn't learn English in grammar school, and Indonesian doesn't have the same methods for making plurals or tenses. I wish I wrote as well in a second or third language as he does.
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The use of the word "ghetto" is not being bandied about in a racist meaning here. On that web site, however, the comments are just plain awful and racist. I definitely agree with that. But you can't be responsible at Neatorama for the comments section of another site. If you find the language on that site reprehensible, make a comment there. If we all did that, maybe they'd practise better moderation of their own site.
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@zav - I've always had trouble with plurals. And tenses. And typos. Thanks for catching that, and thanks for Miss C for coming to my defense!

Re: "ghetto" - I certainly didn't mean it as a put down or as a racial slur. I meant it as a style (as eloquently put by LisaL) What else would you call it? Urban? Hip-hop?
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I'm sick of people calling it unique. It's not unique. They took the same ugly shit they wear everyday (with the exception of the wedding dress) and on their wedding day, wore the same ugly shit they wear everyday. How is that being unique.
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Yeah, "ghetto" isn't racist... it's a style.

At least, that's what I learned living there. But whatever. I wouldn't go for it, but if it works for them, congratulations!
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I am really TIRED of seeing posts by white folks about "ghetto" - jesus I am so tired of reading judgmental posts by mostly white girls who aspire to look like Nicole Simpson or some other Z list Hollywood pseudo celebrity. What is that? can't call it ghetoo but I hella prefer these wedding folks realness to the bad nip and tuck, fake tan, leveraged credit card white girls who posted on the link to these photos.
Read a book - quit hating on other peoples' lives.
Do something positive instead of tearing other people down!
And if you cannot do something positive kindly stfu.
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I do hope that everyone knows that ghetto is an Italian word refering to an area in which Jews were confined ...

"The term 'Ghetto' was originally used to refer to the Venetian Ghetto in Venice, Italy where Jews were forced to live. The word "ghetto" actually means "foundry" in Italian, a reference to a foundry located on the same island as the area of Jewish confinement."

I realise that it could refer to a black neighborhood, but not always.

I think perhaps this country needs to pick up the English slang word "Chav". Chav would apply very well to the pictured wedding. Tacky would also work.
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Ahhh, thanks Miss C for making that clear to me. It just gets tough reading so many blogs where people pay no attention whatsoever to what the rules of English we are supposed to learn in 4th grade. Ironically, Wired appears to be one of the worst offenders. FYI, I had so much trouble with apostrophes as an adult (alleged adult) that I went to the book store and purchased three children's books on grammar school grammar. Best 20 bucks I've spent in a while.
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(sarcasm) No ted! No bar! Words *never* change meaning over time and *always* mean the same thing as they orignally did!!!

Now, hand me a fag, now that I've found my lost rubber!
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I think it's creative. At first I thought this was going to be one of those sad cases you know all hoochied out but kudos to this couple for doing something original.
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