Patriotic Idiot. I think that lots of the people that are doing and saying stupid, racist, or just plain mean things really do love this country. I think that they just don't know what they're talking about. I also think that they don't realize that wanting the troops to come home to their loved ones quickly and safely is actually pretty supportive.
I doubt that any American has forgotten but let's face facts. Seven years have passed, we never got Bin Laden, we're waging war in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, the real war on terror should and is being fought in Afghanistan with far fewer troops than needed because our Commander In Chief just had to go after Sadam Hussein rather than concentrate on the real enemy and let's face it, life goes on. What does this idiot in the truck want me to do and what is he accomplishing? He's no more of a patriot than the rest of us, he's just a crackpot with no answers either.
I have to agree with Dave. As for driving a foreign truck, aren't most Toyotas made in the USA anyhow? At any rate I don't see the relevance of the make of truck with a patriotic message per se. I believe the crossed flags are those of terrorist states or those who didn't assist the U.S. on their war on terror.
Oh yes before I forget. For the fiftieth time (and counting), no more politics on Neatorama, this place is rapidly becoming political, even though no one is forcing me to come to neatorama by gosh darnit I still do! Waaaaa!!!
@Geekazoid: If the increasingly ham-fisted political proselytization on this blog leaned to the right instead of the left, you'd be whining to high heaven.
But what the hell, who needs a blog about "neat" things anyway?
I can't quite tell, but it looks like on the side it says something about 85% of college students, and some percentage of democrats, followed by, "And other misc. vermin."
For all those complaining about the Japanese car- note that Japan is clearly NOT crossed out on the back of the truck, so it's all good. The more I think about it though, there are so many nations, but only room for two dozen on his car. Are the flags that are present but not crossed out representing countries he expects to piss him off soon? Someone tell the Czech Republic they're on double secret probation.
Polls taken in the 1990s revealed that the following were (and still are) all dominated by liberals -- i.e., that 85% of the owners, producers, editors, directors, writers, reporters, and anchors were left-wingers:
1. The big three (dinosaur) broadcast TV networks -- NBC, ABC, CBS -- plus PBS.
2. Almost all of the cable news networks -- i.e., CNBC, MSNBC, CNN.
3. All but one of the two ten-selling newspapers, including the #1 (USA Today).
Because of the above dominance of so much of the media by the ultra-left-wing propaganda machine -- which hides so much of the truth and often replaces it with errors and half-truths -- the photo-message on the truck is so very accurate.
About 90% of Americans were GUNG-HO about the War on Terror late in 2001, but the unpatriotic 10% (so strongly represented in the media) have succeeded in bamboozling about half the nation over the course of seven years.
For over five years, the gutless liberal politicians and their willing accomplices in the media have pounded citizens non-stop with a message of error and despair, making them lose patience and heart. Had the media been so treasonous in the 1940s as they have been since 2003, World War II would have been lost to Germany and Japan.
If even HALF of the media were conservative (instead of just 15%) -- thus providing a proper balance and full exposure of the truth -- America would be vastly better than it is now. The great majority of the people would still be gung-ho against the enemy (islamofascism), with confidence instead of whining and hand-wringing ... the liberal corruption (resulting in the current economic crises) would have been extirpated long ago ... Congress would not have been ruined in 2004 and 2006 (by a liberal take-over) ... the election of McCain/Palin would be a sure thing, resulting in TREMENDOUS national progress through co-operation with a conservative Congress ... etc., etc., etc..
Now, it will be only by a total miracle that America will avoid the total self-destruction that would be brought on by the election of Obama/Biden and another radically pro-death Congress, plus the resumption of the Clintonian destruction of the Courts.
What I find amusing is that those who cry loudest about leaving politics out of Neatorama only do so in certain instances. For example, in other politically charged topics here on Neatorama about religion or Islam, those same cry babies all of a sudden merrilly join in the conversation. In those cases it's perfectly fine to engage in political discourse.
So really, the biggest complainers here about leaving politics out of Neatorama only do so in select topics(but as mentioned SO many times before they STILL come to Neatorama everyday, these are the same types that probably ripped on celebrities for not leaving American when Bush won the election lol). Stop being hypocrites and either leave Neatorama for good (without using multiple aliases to flame), stop making hollow and empty threats and complaints, and leave this great site for the rest of us.
I don't think you people understood that it's a rhetorical question.
And the right-bashing really is becoming tedious. Yes, anybody who disagrees with your political view is no more sensible than this person who drives around with a giant sign on his truck. Yes, we all get it. Do you feel validated yet?
Wonder if he wears a bib to catch his drool? We have these cretins around here too, with the idiotic signs all over their cars. It's all about getting attention, like a child throwing a hissy fit. But really, who cares? If someone wants to drive around embarrassing themselves it's their right, let them make fools out of themselves if that's what turns them on.
@ Geekazoid: Don't monolithic companies like GE, Westinghouse and Disney ultimately own all "old" media? What about News Corp.? Rupert owns more media than anyone else, AFAIK.
I bet you're one of those people who can ignore the incredible "straddling the fence" tactics of the Fox Network vs Fox News.
As for Neatorama policy? Keep posting whatever you choose. If some of these people are not happy with it, let them post their own thoughts on their own blogs.
It seems to me that there is a great deal of confusion in the U.S. as to the culprits in the WTC attacks. Many people have been killed in Iraq, which people like the driver of this truck in the picture seem to feel is a just and rational response. Yet Saddam was not behind the WTC attacks. Saddam WAS seen as an ally of the U.S. not so long ago, he only became an enemy when he threatened Kuwait's oil. And anyway, he's dead. long gone. But american soldiers are still dying, and also killing, in Iraq. In a situation which is creating many more enemies for america, worldwide than existed at the time of 9/11. To point out that the war on Iraq has been nonsense from day one is seen as an attack upon America. To point out that illegal torture has been gleefully embraced by the U.S. government is seen as an attack too.
And yes. It is. It is an attack upon the constitution of the United States, it goes against the principals that founded the nation.
No, it's an attack on truth. The Iraw invasion was carried out for good and sufficient purpose, and the US government has not 'gleefully embraced' torture. These are myths widely circulated by people who hate America.
This IS a neat post! Take the politics out of it for a second: the guy has made an art-car out of his gas-guzzler, added a giant board to the back, increased the wind resistance god-knows-how-many-fold at a time when gas is $4 a gallon--this guy has taken bumper stickers to a whole new level.
It's not about whether you agree or disagree with him--this guy has gone full tilt! Who wouldn't, if you saw this on the highway, reach for your cellphone and try to get a picture?
You're absolutely wrong EvilPundit and I take extreme offense at your mischaracterizations of me here. At most I would say 85% of my posts are of the nature you describe.
And I'll stop when these SAME posters stop coming here and whining about no politics on Neatorama, etc. etc. Like they are absolutely forced to visit here lol.
And you're right Penny2 in the end if I saw something like that on the road I would be like, whoah, this guy took the time to make such a display it's worthy of a picture being taken.
blah blah blah obama, blah blah blah mccain. if you think either one of those 2 give a flying fuck about you, you're crazier than that guys's an idea, vote for someone that actually believes in what you do, not because "im a republicrat so i must vote how my party wants me too..." as long as the rich get to decide who we can vote for, then it doesnt matter who we vote for...
If you think the truck owner is a patriot, click the button or if you dont like your choices just abstain or use the comments to write in your own choice
For everything you have... U.S. Veterans Paid the Proce This Debt you Can't Repay Be Grateful for their Sacrifice Liberals/Leftists & ACLU Members are Genetically Challenged THE ENEMY WITHIN: ISLAM - A.C.L.U. - A.B.A. - N.E.A. LIBERAL MEDIA - HOLLYWOOD - 95% of LAWYERS & JUDGES 95% of COLLEGE PROFS. - 85% of COLLEGE STUDENTS 98% of POLITICIANS AND OTHER MISC. VERMIN
The wind resistance with all that crap on the back must be phenominal. I suspect he's getting gallons to the mile.
I had thought the flags on the back were countries which had forgotten (i.e. just about all of them now) but I suspect Geekazoid is probably right, they're ones that didn't join in on the war on terror. Which is mildly ironic given the USA, Ireland and the UK are on that, as until recently the USA was funding Irish terrorism in the UK.
"No, it’s an attack on truth. The Iraw invasion was carried out for good and sufficient purpose, and the US government has not ‘gleefully embraced’ torture. These are myths widely circulated by people who hate America."
BTW Clinton wanted Iraq gone too. He himself said Iraq would never by a stable place till Saddam was gone. Oh, and he claimed they had Nukes too.
But no one called him a liar. I was told cause he didn't overthrow a dictatorship. That's why. well you'd think one would lambast the person that KNEW what to, but didn't do it, than the person that knew what to do, and carried it out .
"Clinton, Dec. 19, 1998: "Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. . . . Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors. . . . Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons."
I also guess it's ok to bomb the crap out of Iraq and kill a bunch of people, as long as you don't topple over their dictatorship.
" In a situation which is creating many more enemies for america, worldwide than existed at the time of 9/11."
FUD. Baseless accusations. Keep that intellectual dishonesty to yourself.
Those who act like there were no terrorists in Iraq before we got there, or that people loved the US Before Bush or somehow they eve hate us worse because of him are shouting out verbal masturbation that has no bearing on the truth.
Do I think they aren't as happy as they were in the 90s when Clinton was doing nothing when they kept attacking us? Sure. But they shouldn't be.
We shouldn't be worried about what these people think about us. They are scum. They are the virus of the earth. They don't care about you or anyone in your family. They want to see them all dead.
Thank Bill Clinton for that. One of the MANY MANY jobs he created were Wal-Mart and telemarketing jobs.
He gave Wal-Mart such a break when opening new stores etc, that is how they spread so far so fast.
The ironic part about it is, it's the leftists that usually are ranting against it. When your ex-Messiah and the first black president (sorry Obama, Clinton beat you already) was the one responsible for Wal-marts main growth.
don't like the political posts? don't read or comment on them! wow, what a profound statement.
we can do one of two things, and i'm pretty sure i know which one is more likely. and that's the sad part.
the first thing we can do is take a deep breath and really think about HOW all this banter is helping us. HOW is arguing the left vs. right point helping us? HOW is sitting behind our computers commenting on blogs helping us? WHY do we continue to bicker back and forth about who is right and who is wrong? WHY is it SOO important for our individual points to be validated when we're going to seek sources that only help our case anyway? now let out your breath and take a step forward. does anything that happened before this moment in time REALLY matter? no, it doesn't. because you can't change anything that happened even two seconds ago. let's move forward. let's forget the physical events of 9/11 but remember those who passed in its wake. let's forget that the entire bush administration has ruined our country but remember what it is that's STILL GOOD in our country, like the freedom to work/eat/breathe anywhere you want (unless you're in prison..). let's forget that wall street has lead us to another 1929 but remember that we are smart people who (through time and honest efforts) can really fix our financial problem.
we can either move forward from today, or we can dwell on how we got here. the sad part is, we will waste MUCH more time, money, and effort just so we can dwell on the events that happened yesterday. we will all see that everyone would rather choose this option rather than the first one. why? because it's easier to complain than it is to do something about it.
you can choose by proving me right, but i STRONGLY encourage you all to prove me wrong.
Adam Stanhope: Kevin's comment included a "quote" from Bill Clinton. Are you denying the validity of that quote? If you were to attack his quote and ask for his sources, I could understand. You chose to attack him, which weakens your own point.
I remember when Clinton launched an air strike against terrorists - at the time, it was seen as a diversion tactic against the increasing embarrassment of the sexual harrassment and shenanigans occurring in the White House.
Bill Clinton never believed nor stated that Iraq had nuclear weapons. There is a distinct difference between possession of nuclear weapons and suspicion of desire to possess nuclear weapons.
You can't see the difference?
It's no wonder that the Republican Party is in full implosion mode, flailing hopelessly as it runs itself into the ground.
Stick to science, truth and the facts, Kevin, and we may save you yet.
Yes, funny that he (most assuredly not 'she') has forgotten Pearl Harbor, and apparently supports Saudi Arabia fiscally. No drool cup necessary, there's probably a spittoon in the cab.
It is interesting how the Democrats' statements about Iraq have been forgotten. All of their lemmings are quick to forget. You even forget it was Clinton who wanted regime change in Iraq. I guess only if it takes 50 years?? So many of you are the true useful idiots. And yes we have forgotten 911. Rant on.
Just a reminder of what the Dems said. I guess when it was popular to do so.
I can see the difference, but I wasn't claiming that Kevin's quote was correct or not. I was merely advising you not to resort to personal attacks. It makes you sound like a bully, and it doesn't help your cause.
And I think, somewhere, Mooncake is sighing forlornly.
If he's such a patriot give him a rifle and send him somewhere hot and scary, you'll soon have a pacifist. Most of the combat vets I know are no fans of war or dying for a flag.
Um. Yes. What they think about us would be the main determining factor in whether or not they decide to blow us up. Good PR won't fix the whole problem obviously, but it's equally stupid to discard it from the toolbox.
An attack on anti-American elites in the blue states does not constitute an attack on America.
I also think that they don't realize that wanting the troops to come home to their loved ones quickly and safely is actually pretty supportive.
Or something.
Too many people have forgotten.
But what the hell, who needs a blog about "neat" things anyway?
I also consider myself to be a person with a modicum of sense.
This is just tacky.
Those wascally Democwats.
Nevertheless, his message is grossly misguided. It's like a one-car parade of ignorance.
1. The big three (dinosaur) broadcast TV networks -- NBC, ABC, CBS -- plus PBS.
2. Almost all of the cable news networks -- i.e., CNBC, MSNBC, CNN.
3. All but one of the two ten-selling newspapers, including the #1 (USA Today).
Because of the above dominance of so much of the media by the ultra-left-wing propaganda machine -- which hides so much of the truth and often replaces it with errors and half-truths -- the photo-message on the truck is so very accurate.
About 90% of Americans were GUNG-HO about the War on Terror late in 2001, but the unpatriotic 10% (so strongly represented in the media) have succeeded in bamboozling about half the nation over the course of seven years.
For over five years, the gutless liberal politicians and their willing accomplices in the media have pounded citizens non-stop with a message of error and despair, making them lose patience and heart. Had the media been so treasonous in the 1940s as they have been since 2003, World War II would have been lost to Germany and Japan.
If even HALF of the media were conservative (instead of just 15%) -- thus providing a proper balance and full exposure of the truth -- America would be vastly better than it is now. The great majority of the people would still be gung-ho against the enemy (islamofascism), with confidence instead of whining and hand-wringing ... the liberal corruption (resulting in the current economic crises) would have been extirpated long ago ... Congress would not have been ruined in 2004 and 2006 (by a liberal take-over) ... the election of McCain/Palin would be a sure thing, resulting in TREMENDOUS national progress through co-operation with a conservative Congress ... etc., etc., etc..
Now, it will be only by a total miracle that America will avoid the total self-destruction that would be brought on by the election of Obama/Biden and another radically pro-death Congress, plus the resumption of the Clintonian destruction of the Courts.
3. All but one of the ten top-selling newspapers, including the #1 (USA Today).
[The only one that is not dominated by liberals is the Wall Street Journal -- and then only the editorial page.]
So really, the biggest complainers here about leaving politics out of Neatorama only do so in select topics(but as mentioned SO many times before they STILL come to Neatorama everyday, these are the same types that probably ripped on celebrities for not leaving American when Bush won the election lol). Stop being hypocrites and either leave Neatorama for good (without using multiple aliases to flame), stop making hollow and empty threats and complaints, and leave this great site for the rest of us.
And the right-bashing really is becoming tedious. Yes, anybody who disagrees with your political view is no more sensible than this person who drives around with a giant sign on his truck. Yes, we all get it. Do you feel validated yet?
You should get a new routine; this one's getting tedious.
I bet you're one of those people who can ignore the incredible "straddling the fence" tactics of the Fox Network vs Fox News.
As for Neatorama policy?
Keep posting whatever you choose. If some of these people are not happy with it, let them post their own thoughts on their own blogs.
It seems to me that there is a great deal of confusion in the U.S. as to the culprits in the WTC attacks. Many people have been killed in Iraq, which people like the driver of this truck in the picture seem to feel is a just and rational response. Yet Saddam was not behind the WTC attacks. Saddam WAS seen as an ally of the U.S. not so long ago, he only became an enemy when he threatened Kuwait's oil. And anyway, he's dead. long gone.
But american soldiers are still dying, and also killing, in Iraq. In a situation which is creating many more enemies for america, worldwide than existed at the time of 9/11.
To point out that the war on Iraq has been nonsense from day one is seen as an attack upon America. To point out that illegal torture has been gleefully embraced by the U.S. government is seen as an attack too.
And yes. It is. It is an attack upon the constitution of the United States, it goes against the principals that founded the nation.
It's not about whether you agree or disagree with him--this guy has gone full tilt! Who wouldn't, if you saw this on the highway, reach for your cellphone and try to get a picture?
And I'll stop when these SAME posters stop coming here and whining about no politics on Neatorama, etc. etc. Like they are absolutely forced to visit here lol.
And you're right Penny2 in the end if I saw something like that on the road I would be like, whoah, this guy took the time to make such a display it's worthy of a picture being taken.
If you think the truck owner is a patriot, click the button or if you dont like your choices just abstain or use the comments to write in your own choice
For everything you have...
U.S. Veterans Paid the Proce
This Debt you Can't Repay
Be Grateful for their Sacrifice
Liberals/Leftists & ACLU Members are Genetically Challenged
Can you see what McCain and Palin have done with all of their hatemongering? They've rendered poor Alex temporarily insane!
I had thought the flags on the back were countries which had forgotten (i.e. just about all of them now) but I suspect Geekazoid is probably right, they're ones that didn't join in on the war on terror. Which is mildly ironic given the USA, Ireland and the UK are on that, as until recently the USA was funding Irish terrorism in the UK.
Good point.
Lots of hate and vitriol coming from some people I've seen call themselves tolerant in this thread.
What hate mongering? Informing the public that Obama has ties with terrorists is now called hate mongering?
If that's the case, what is it called when the left attack Palin's kids?
BTW Clinton wanted Iraq gone too. He himself said Iraq would never by a stable place till Saddam was gone. Oh, and he claimed they had Nukes too.
But no one called him a liar. I was told cause he didn't overthrow a dictatorship. That's why. well you'd think one would lambast the person that KNEW what to, but didn't do it, than the person that knew what to do, and carried it out .
"Clinton, Dec. 19, 1998: "Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. . . . Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors. . . . Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons."
I also guess it's ok to bomb the crap out of Iraq and kill a bunch of people, as long as you don't topple over their dictatorship.
FUD. Baseless accusations. Keep that intellectual dishonesty to yourself.
Those who act like there were no terrorists in Iraq before we got there, or that people loved the US Before Bush or somehow they eve hate us worse because of him are shouting out verbal masturbation that has no bearing on the truth.
Do I think they aren't as happy as they were in the 90s when Clinton was doing nothing when they kept attacking us? Sure. But they shouldn't be.
We shouldn't be worried about what these people think about us. They are scum. They are the virus of the earth. They don't care about you or anyone in your family. They want to see them all dead.
Yet you are worried what they think about you.
Thank Bill Clinton for that. One of the MANY MANY jobs he created were Wal-Mart and telemarketing jobs.
He gave Wal-Mart such a break when opening new stores etc, that is how they spread so far so fast.
The ironic part about it is, it's the leftists that usually are ranting against it. When your ex-Messiah and the first black president (sorry Obama, Clinton beat you already) was the one responsible for Wal-marts main growth.
we can do one of two things, and i'm pretty sure i know which one is more likely. and that's the sad part.
the first thing we can do is take a deep breath and really think about HOW all this banter is helping us. HOW is arguing the left vs. right point helping us? HOW is sitting behind our computers commenting on blogs helping us? WHY do we continue to bicker back and forth about who is right and who is wrong? WHY is it SOO important for our individual points to be validated when we're going to seek sources that only help our case anyway? now let out your breath and take a step forward. does anything that happened before this moment in time REALLY matter? no, it doesn't. because you can't change anything that happened even two seconds ago. let's move forward. let's forget the physical events of 9/11 but remember those who passed in its wake. let's forget that the entire bush administration has ruined our country but remember what it is that's STILL GOOD in our country, like the freedom to work/eat/breathe anywhere you want (unless you're in prison..). let's forget that wall street has lead us to another 1929 but remember that we are smart people who (through time and honest efforts) can really fix our financial problem.
we can either move forward from today, or we can dwell on how we got here. the sad part is, we will waste MUCH more time, money, and effort just so we can dwell on the events that happened yesterday. we will all see that everyone would rather choose this option rather than the first one. why? because it's easier to complain than it is to do something about it.
you can choose by proving me right, but i STRONGLY encourage you all to prove me wrong.
In the universe that the rest of us live in, that most certainly wasn't the case.
What is life like in your universe?
Kevin's comment included a "quote" from Bill Clinton. Are you denying the validity of that quote? If you were to attack his quote and ask for his sources, I could understand. You chose to attack him, which weakens your own point.
I remember when Clinton launched an air strike against terrorists - at the time, it was seen as a diversion tactic against the increasing embarrassment of the sexual harrassment and shenanigans occurring in the White House.
Bill Clinton never believed nor stated that Iraq had nuclear weapons. There is a distinct difference between possession of nuclear weapons and suspicion of desire to possess nuclear weapons.
You can't see the difference?
It's no wonder that the Republican Party is in full implosion mode, flailing hopelessly as it runs itself into the ground.
Stick to science, truth and the facts, Kevin, and we may save you yet.
Maybe it's this guy:
Anyway, driving a Toyota with that 'thing' on is surely stupid.
Just a reminder of what the Dems said. I guess when it was popular to do so.
There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
I can see the difference, but I wasn't claiming that Kevin's quote was correct or not. I was merely advising you not to resort to personal attacks. It makes you sound like a bully, and it doesn't help your cause.
And I think, somewhere, Mooncake is sighing forlornly.
No matter who wins, we all lose. Wake up.
Um. Yes. What they think about us would be the main determining factor in whether or not they decide to blow us up. Good PR won't fix the whole problem obviously, but it's equally stupid to discard it from the toolbox.