Hooray! It's time for our collaboration with the What is it? blog - can you guess what this strange "bucket" is for?
First correct guess will win a free Neatorama T-shirt. If no one gets it right, then the funniest guess will win. Please enter your guess in the comment section - one guess per comment, please, but you can enter as many as you can think of. Please post no URL - let others play.
For more clues, including an intriguing photo of some small notches at the bottom, please visit the What is it? blog (please note the new website address for the What is it? blog). Good luck!
Update 10/10/08 - The answer is:A bee hive or bee gum, the two notches are doors and the rods in the center are for support. From this site:
Honey was not the only reward for cutting a bee tree. The hunter could also claim the bees. They were kept in home-made structures called gums, made by cutting 3-4 foot sections from hollow sweet-gum logs (or some other type of wood), burning the interior until the surface was slick, cutting one or two small inverted V’s in the bottom as passageways for the bees, and covering the slanted top with a rough plank roof. A cross piece was nailed in the middle for the bees to fasten their comb to.
Congrats to breezy who guessed it right!
Put their neck under the lever to hold 'em down, chop em off, and let the head fall in the bucket.
Kinda gross if you ask me...