Cooking with Balls

Chef Ljubomir Erovic of Serbia has published the world's first cookbook on cooking with balls.

No, he didn't mean that figuratively (like how to cook boldly or anything like that). He meant cooking testicles!

The Testicle Cookbook - Cooking With Balls includes author Ljubomir Erovic's favourite dishes, like testicle pizza and battered testicles.

The e-book, available for download, comes with handy video guides showing the Serb peeling the skin off testicles and slicing them up into bite-size chunks.

The ingredients for his testicle pizza recipe include cheese, onion, pepper, bacon and bull's testicles. "It's Italian pizza with Serbian balls", explains Erovic. The book also contains more cordon bleu recipes, such as calf testicles in wine and testicles with bourgignon sauce.

"The tastiest testicles in my opinion probably come from bulls, stallions or ostriches, although other people have their own favourites," he said. "All testicles can be eaten - except human, of course."

Link | The e-book at Yudu | Sample pages, with embedded video clips

Here's the free sample (with video clips): Link

I don't see why people are getting spooked about eating a different piece of the same animal they'd normally eat. I guess it's the same fear that people have over organ meats. I don't understand it.

I'm from Calgary, Alberta, in the heartland of Canadian ranch country, and beef testicles are very common. When a calf is old enough to be branded and de-horned and if it is meant to become a steer instead of a bull, it gets castrated. The nuts aren't left to go to waste, they get chucked into a pail of ice and are grilled for a post-branding snack. In Calgary itself we have the annual Testicle Festival, where we serve breaded deep fried calf testicles, also known as prairie oysters.

I'm quite fond of prairie oysters myself, I find them similar in texture to liver, but much lighter in colour. My favourite place serves 'em with curry sauce! Yum.
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Lol Craig, your comment made me crack up!
When I was in Australia a common tourist item for sale was a pair of actual stuffed kangaroo testicles with a bottle opener on top.
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My grandmother has a cane made out of bovine testes. It's a very beautiful translucent amber color and looks like a gnarled twisted piece of driftwood. The only man (besides the one who gave it to her) I know who has ever been able to hold it and not throw it across the room the moment they discovered what it is was my husband.

An ex boyfriend of mine actually ran screaming out of the house. Chicken.
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Doesn't anyone watch Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern? I didn't even flinch when I heard about this. That man puts more balls in his mouth than the village people.
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Kate... it's the same reason why some people think eating squid is gross, or eating chitlens is gross.
Just b/c you enjoy eating nuts doesn't make others weird b/c they think it's odd. :P

Anywho... if people want to grill/fry/boil, whatever some balls, more power to ya.

I could say something pretty crude right now... something about fiance and yeah... but I'll just keep that to myself heh.

No cooked animal nuts for me *passes the plate along*
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So Cheeseduck one day meet a friend, and this friend invits him in a new Spanish restaurant. "Let me order for you their special" the friend says. The waiter comes and bring a huge ball. The meat is delicious, juicy, tender, like nothing Cheeseduck has ever tasted. "well, tell me what it is!" he says. The friend answers : "see, in Spain they have bull fights, and this is a fighting bull testicle".
Cheeseduck was surprised, but so pleased that he decided to bring his wife there over the week-end : "you'll see it's amazing, I've never eaten a meat so delicious, it was so big I had a hard time finishing it!"
So, they go to the restaurant and pass his order. The waiter comes and in the plate there only one disapointing tiny ball. Cheeseduck quickly calls back the waiter ; "excuse me, there must have been a problem, I was there earlier this week, and the serving was much bigger"
"Ah, mister, in bull fighting, it's not always the bull that loses"

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I've never eaten them however the thought makes me cringe. The title is also out of line. Don't the French have a nice sophisticated sounding word he could have used instead? There will never be a book titled "cooking tits" about how to prepare udders because the feminists would go on the rampage. Males deserve the same respect and consideration as females.
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This is sick. How soon until we begin seeing McNut sandwiches on a McDonalds menu... or TV cooking specials like: "Have a Ball with Baking Balls".

I don't eat fast food; However, I imagine that a McNut sandwich would likely be the most delicious item on the McDonalds menu. You'll still get the McShits, though.
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The vast majority of cultures see no point in killing an animal and throwing any of it away. Just because you hold sentimental feelings toward your balls doesn't mean balls aren't nutritious and delicious. Now, I've never had the opportunity to eat cooked balls before, but I'd probably try them, as I have heard that they're pretty good.
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In Spain, the bull's balls are called "criadillas". Many people like it, buy I canĀ“t eat it because of their taste. I prefer tongues or faces of the animals (pigs, beef). They taste delicious.
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