Man Jumped a Shark to Save Dog

Greg LeNoir really, really loves his dog Jake. When a shark suddenly grabbed the rat terrier during its daily swim, Greg jumped in and punched the shark until it let go of the dog!

A big dark green shape which I realized was a big shark's head zoomed up from under Jake. Jake screamed ... Oh, you don't ever want to hear ... it's such a death scream and it sucked him under.

The shark clamped down on jake but its owner Greg LeNoir wouldn't have it. I dove straight down in like a battering ram. I drove my fist under the water into the shark and pushed it down. It felt like concrete on my hand ...


Comments (45)

first my dog was like woof. then the shark was like gnash! then i was like snoopy, nooooo! then i was like punch. and the shark was all dude that hurt. and i was like concrete shark! then the shark went away and my dog was like woof!
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Nothing says manly, like punching a shark in the face!
I'd like to think I'd have done the same, but there's a nagging part of me that says I wouldn't have...
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hooray for that guy!!! even though i'd be terrified, i'd do it for my dog-kids too. i wonder if the dog will want to continue his daily swim...

mossel, i'm not going to flame you. instead i actually feel bad for you that you don't know the love of a dog. oh, and the 'rat' part is because they were bred for catching rats and other small varmints.
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That guy is brave... and a little crazy. I'm not sure if a shark would feel a fist on hist skin, under the water. Maybe he just released the dog because he doesn't like hairy prey or something?
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mrmuggles, most will tell you the best way to fend off a shark is to punch it in the nose. That area on a shark is pretty sensitive and since they're rarely attacked themselves the shock is enough to scare them off quick.
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One of my biggest fears! Although logically I know getting attacked by a shark will probably never happen, I still her the theme from Jaws every time I venture out into the ocean :P
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Um, OK I live in belize and dive the reef a lot. We don't have Great Whites but there are other sharks. Most Shark fears are unfounded but there are ways to attract them. I would say swimming with a tiny dog is one of them. Also what kind of shark? How big? Were there any witnesses? is the story baloney? Where I live in belize there has been no known shark attacks in the history of the country and it's a divers and snorkelers paradise. We're just not on their normal menu. That being said I dive bit also still hear the jaws theme music a bit when I see a shark. Don't let it stop you people. Diving is flying weightless in another world. One of the most amazing experiences you can have not naked. I'm a gringo living in paradise. Jonathan /
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he seems like a drama queen did it really happen like that beside him who else seen it call dr. phil or jerry springer give him an award
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Ok heres the thing the story contains pretty good evidence that it did happen.
First if he had punched the shark in the nose then hell yah itd feel like u just punched a rock wall with the nose being made of a very hard cartlige like your ear but much much much harder and think about it when the news reporter or whoever came to his house they probably looked at the dog before publishing the article (scars).
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At first, I was petrified to think the shark ate the dog...I do love dogs a looooooooooooooot, I will do anything for my dog, but I am asking myself if I ever would be able to do what this man did..I guess that comes w/o giving any thoughts..I will be afraid though I have to congratulate that man for saving him..corageous man.I hope the dog is fine and please don't let him swim there anymore..
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Nice move dumb ass, I would do it for my child. Not a dog, I really don't believe this story. It is just half truth. Something seems fishy hear. If it did happen. He is real dumb ass.
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O.K here it is, I've gotta know ,was i the day after a rull moon? was the wind blowing on-shore? did you take off your shoes beore diving in and COME ON.......are you that starving for attention? Admit it you accidently ran over your dog with the lawn mower.
We have all made mistakes . But Come on tough guy, are you really down like that ? I think not. Especially if it was a great white or a mako. Maybe a buttermouth barge perch! Stoppit!!!
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My dog and I live in the desert of New Mexico, so sharks are not a problem. But if a coyote or rattlesnake were to attack my dog, I would do whatever I could to protect my best frient. This guy is a dog's best friend.
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this is a cool story,,,,I would die if anything happened to my dog....she was almost kiiled ny a pit bull once and she is a little Maltese,,,,she hates all other dogs now except her mate,,another Maltese....He was there and if he was not in my arms at the time he would have gone after the Pitbull to attack him...she was only saved because she had on a thick leather collar that belonged to our bigger dog that was tripled on her neck and a huge fluffy sweater,,,,he shook her violently for a minute and let go for a second at which time she took off for the woods (we were camping with family) It was night and when we finally saw her coming out of the woods she came out on the other side of a pond and entered the water to get to us,,,,she almost drowned ...had it not been for my daughter who went into save her.she would not be here today....
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I would ride to hell and back in order to protect my Maltese. Those who state they would do it for their child and not for their dog do not deserve the unconditional love of their canine companion.
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Especially for pet lovers:
You don't care what I am --
Even what I do,
Long as you get a share
Of me loving you.
If I want to talk, I talk;
You give me an ear.
It's amazing how you know
And understand so clear.
I find no evii on your mind --
No greed or selfish pride,
Only trust and loyalty
Standing side by side.
I can never know your world --
You'll never step in mine,
But the love between us
Is there all the time.

And that's why he saved his dog!!!
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What a wonderful guy saving his dog. Bravo!
We need to learn from this. Dogs are bait for sharks and alligators. Be careful when allowing them to swim.
I live in Florida and sometimes when they open up a dead gator, they discover many dog collars in his belly. Let your dog swim in a pool, not a pond, lake or the ocean.
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hey thats so not cool we are trying to save the sharks not kill them or hurt them most sharks mistake aniles and fish and humens for there food and after they relize tha its not there food shaks spit it out sham on you
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