British comedy actor Sacha Baron Cohen, who played Borat and Ali G., crashed a Milan Fashion show by jumping onto the stage and strutting along the catwalk in character for his new movie "Brüno: Delicious Journeys Through America for the Purpose of Making Heterosexual Males Visibly Uncomfortable in the Presence of a Gay Foreigner in a Mesh T-Shirt."
Telegraph has the story:
Baron Cohen and his team used fake passes to fool security guards into letting them into a backstage area of a show by the Italian label Iceberg.
One of the comedian's team, dressed in a head-to-toe velcro suit, caused chaos by running around and careering into clothes racks.
In footage aired on Italian television, flustered fashionistas screamed "security, security" until the man was manhandled away by security guards.
Here's a video clip of the stunt (he was arrested), as taken by an Italian news crew: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]
It's all about laughter...nothing else.
I've obviously seen to many ugly-ass fashion shows.