Ghost Towns

If you want to visit a ghost town for Halloween, make your plans now! Cult Case has an overview of seven of them, including Helltown, Ohio.
Also known as Boston, Ohio, many ghostly encounters have been reported in the cemetery and other sites located within the boundaries of the township. Satanists would sacrifice animals in an old Presbyterian Church off of Boston Mills Road, just to make it that much creepier. One of the many rumors that have been tossed around report a chemical spill, which lead to a huge python wandering around the woods of the area.

Link -Thanks, Jon Jason!

I like that this was the one you featured. "Helltown" is 20 minutes from my house. :)

@sw - Check out this website for some answers.
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Nice to see Dudleytown made the list - I've been there twice - once when the Appalachian went near it - and another time in college when a bunch of us decided to go looking for satan... we didn't find him up there, but when we got back to Danbury he was outside the Brass Jail (a bar) on main street...

anyhow... Dudleytown... a very Creeeeeeeepy place.
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so i'm pretty familiar with "helltown"... my family was one of the founding families in the Boston Township. apparently Stanford Road, where my grandma lived in and dad grew up, is one of the most haunted roads as well! my family is all buried in that cemetery and i probably will be too **shudder**

at least i didn't find out about any of it it until i was grown up because i'm sure it would have scared me to bits on all those visits i took when i was little!

never saw anything paranormal or any pythons myself though, so that's a plus....
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