Holodeck + Minority Report = Immersive Coccoon

If Tino Schaedler of NAU has his ways, then we will soon use this Star-Trek-holodeck-meets-Minority Report "immersive cocoon" for all of our computing:

The Cocoon is a digital experience that is both intuitive and holistic. Basically, it is a circular human-sized dome that puts users in a new digital dimension. View anything with a 360 degree screen, and control it with gestures. Equipped with motion sensing software inspired by Minority Report, it enables your body to be the interface. Like Minority Report, you can reach out and grab information, move it around, blow it up, or move it behind you. But the application is limitless.

http://butteryblend.com/technology/the-future-ofeverything/ | Official website [Flash] - Thanks Jesse!

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It lets your body be the interface. Just like a normal computer, but where you don't sit down, and you have to use full body motions instead of small movements of the fingers and wrists. Don't get me wrong, it looks cool, but it'll never be the new way of doing work.
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