Maybe you've seen the classic map that shows how single women are concentrated on the East coast of the US, and single men outnumber women on the West Coast. Here's a version you can adjust for age! Of course, if you are a woman my age, you might not want to know.... Link -via Metafilter
Maybe you've seen the classic map that shows how single women are concentrated on the East coast of the US, and single men outnumber women on the West Coast. Here's a version you can adjust for age! Of course, if you are a woman my age, you might not want to know.... Link -via Metafilter
Don't worry bout a thing your beautiful.
Last year I inadvertently did a study on this subject by joining e-Harmony. I was getting 49 matches a week and the women I contacted were getting 15. This implies that single women (in my area and demographic) out number single men 3:1.
(just kidding ladies, you're still hot when you're old...)
(just kidding again.)
One perky, Wiccan loner to go, please.