Crop circles are so passé - the next big thing are ... ice circles!
As circles and rings in ice-covered lakes and river-bays have become a relatively numerous documented phenomenon - especially in Scandinavian and other northern European and American countries, the latest case of an ice-circle in Russia (exact location and date of discovery unfortunately unknown) just adds another case of this most likely naturally caused circle-phenomenon.
Some believe that the natural explanation for this phenomenon are underwater vortices cause by through-running streams that follow natural outlines of bays and coves just as visible also in the above shown images, as well as differences in the water's temperature that might impact also the forming of the above ice-structure in such a way.
However, some rare examples of geometrically more complex patterns put the above described theory to the test - at least if presented as a simple single vortex-system or as the sole explanation for all patters in ice.
Link | English Russia has more pics
If you know how they were created please tell!
They haven't stopped occurring by the way -
for example this is an August 08 formation in the UK (one of many 2008 formations, worldwide)
Dude, ice aliens...totally saw them one night after a night of heavy drinking and thick snow fall. And then...ZAP! I was under the ice getting probed and stuff.
One of the pictures shows a guy next to circles that are not achieved in the ice.
Apart of that, I think that it's a beautiful concept.