The folks at Trossen Robotics sent us this: Disney's latest pixar animation movie star WALL-E made from LEGO! Forum user bazmarc, who created it, wrote:He is entirely made of Lego parts and Lego NXT Mindstorms Roboti...
Crop circles are so passé - the next big thing are ... ice circles! As circles and rings in ice-covered lakes and river-bays have become a relatively numerous documented phenomenon - especially in Scandinavian...
It was a match made in Heaven. Well, no, actually it was a match made by zookeepers: 7-year-old Wukong wed 6-year-old Xiaoya during a special ceremony at a zoo in Wenling, Zhejiang province in China.It was all a publicit...
J.J. Abrams' new show Fringe premiered tonight on Fox. Overall, it was pretty good, although I could have done without yet another pro-torture message from a Fox show. There's a website for Massive Dynamic, the mys...