Archive for September 10th, 2008

Fantastic video explains how the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) works

The folks at CERN have successfully tested the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). They are now ready to move forward on the tests for which the LHC was built. The LHC has had a great deal of press of late - some positive,...

VideoSift Clips of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) The Best of the Best Cat ClipsYay! No need to hunt for the funniest cat video clips anymore. Here are the best of the be...

Cat Versus Printer

Ok this isn't GiGi The Angry Cat who got respect out of an electric toothbrush. This cat on the other hand, (whose name is unknown at this time) packs a good punch and tries to gain respect out of a printer. Watch an...

I Survived the Large Hadron Collider T-Shirt

So, the scientists at CERN flipped on the Large Hadron Collider and life as we know it didn't end (yet). So to celebrate our continued existence, here's the "I Survived the Large Hadron Collider" T-Shirt on Nea...


The folks at Trossen Robotics sent us this: Disney's latest pixar animation movie star WALL-E made from LEGO! Forum user bazmarc, who created it, wrote:He is entirely made of Lego parts and Lego NXT Mindstorms Roboti...

Shipbreaking Yard: Where Ships Go to Die

Photo: Edward BurtynskyThere is a particular industrial activity that is quite unique to the small town of Alang in Gujarat Province, India. It's not manufacturing - actually, it's the exact opposite: in Alang, container...

Controller of the Universe by Damián Ortega

Photo: P.S.1 Contemporary Art CenterThat's "Controller of the Universe" by Damián Ortega, a sculpture consisting of dozens of tools suspended in the air as though in midexplosion. It's part of an exhibit...

Auctioning Off Her Virginity to Pay College Tuition

Shock jock Howard Stern is no stranger to controversy, and now, he's at it again: he's "auctioning off" 22-year-old Natalie Dylan's (not her real name) virginity to help pay her college tuition. Shock jock H...

Baby Falling Down the Odessa Steps

Photo: Library of CongressRemember the scene in Brian De Palma's The Untouchables (1987), where Eliot Ness, played by Kevin Costner, saved a baby-carriage that went down the stairs while in a shoot-out with Capone's henc...

Queensland "Flasher" Ad

To remind the people of Sydney and Melbourne, Australia that Queensland is a warm place to go to during winter vacation, Tourism Queensland employed a bunch of attractive women to ... um, flash men on the street with thi...

All ‘Eyes’ on the NFL

How well do you know your NFL helmets? In today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss, try to match the "eye" to the helmet it's found on. Oh, I scored 25%. If you are totally unfamiliar with the teams (as I am), finding an...

Large Hadron Collider Photo Gallery

The Large Hadron Collider has not yet turned the whole Earth into one big lump of goo, as some might fear. This means we still have the chance to enjoy the LHC photo gallery over at Dvice, containing 30 stunning image...

6 Things Inspired by Einstein

Would you believe that Einstein was the inspiration for Yoda, E.T., and even a spiffy BMX bike trick? Here are 6 things inspired by Albert Einstein, the smartest man who ever lived: 1. Yoda...

Ice Circles

Crop circles are so passé - the next big thing are ... ice circles! As circles and rings in ice-covered lakes and river-bays have become a relatively numerous documented phenomenon - especially in Scandinavian...

The Geo Metro is Back, Baby!

Like an old pair of jeans that got back in style, when gas prices are stratospheric, so are "classics" like the Honda Civics and Geo Metros of the 80's and 90's.Ken Bensinger of The Los Angeles Times has a neat...

Man Bellyflops Onto 12 Inch of Water from 35 Feet Up

If you think belly flopping from the side of the pool hurts, imagine doing it from high up. Waaay high up! Here is Darren "Professor Splash" Taylor's record-breaking high dive from 35 feet into just 12 inches...

Dating Tips for Churchgoers

To fight dwindling congregations, some churches are encouraging worshippers to attend online dating courses to learn how to flirt: Peter Spalton, known as the dating doctor, said that churchgoers tended to be more re...

The Ugliest English Words, According to the Italians

Language purists think that English is a weed that keeps on popping up in the linguistic garden that is their native tongue. Take for instance, the Italians: From 'il weekend' to 'lo stress' and 'le leadership', Ital...

Scooby the Dog: Witness in a Murder Case

This is just like a plot of a crime novel. A dog named Scooby (yes, after the cartoon character) has created a legal history by appearing as a witness in a murder case in France:The animal's 59-year-old owner had bee...

Monkey Wedding

It was a match made in Heaven. Well, no, actually it was a match made by zookeepers: 7-year-old Wukong wed 6-year-old Xiaoya during a special ceremony at a zoo in Wenling, Zhejiang province in China.It was all a publicit...


J.J. Abrams' new show Fringe premiered tonight on Fox. Overall, it was pretty good, although I could have done without yet another pro-torture message from a Fox show. There's a website for Massive Dynamic, the mys...

The Rocket War of Vrontados

(YouTube link) The Rocket War of Vrondados is an old custom that began at the time of the Turkish occupation and it still happens every year at Easter. In the beginning the residents of the parishes of Pa...

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