Archive for September 8th, 2008

Guess the Website Logo

Remember the "Guess the Movie Logo" game from Empire Online we featured a while ago on Neatorama? Well, here's something similar from Axonoïd: Can you guess the website from one letter of its logo?Link - *...

The Ultimate Guide to Banksy

Web Urbanist blog did a really neat (and thorough!) job exploring the artwork of the world's most infamous - and mysterous - graffiti artist, Banksy:And although the pseudonym and the signature style of the artist ar...

You're a Babe. Wait, No You're Not!

Suzanne Broughton of Emphasis Mine blog was going through her sixth grade yearbook when she came across this inscription from James Cox:From the looks of it, he originally thought he was writing in Wendy's yearbook.*...

3D Tattoo

Photo: Boucherie Moderne / Bizarre MagIs this the next step in tattoo technology? Here's a 3D tattoo by Jean-François Palumbo of Boucherie Moderne:The diamond uses the same crimson and blue, but to different e...

62 MPH ... on a Skateboard!

Cops in Berlin are looking for a speeder, who was caught on videotape blazing down a steep stretch of a highway at 62 MPH (~100 km per hour), way above the speed limit ... on a skateboard!A video of the skateboarder, bro...

Gentlemen's Guide to Calling Cards

In the 1800's and early 1900's, the practice of "calling" upon or visiting relatives and friends was a refined affair: people used calling cards as as a mean of introducing themselves, as notes of thanks, or ev...

My Document Laptop Sleeve

Here's a fun and geeky way to protect your portable computer: a "My Document" laptop sleeve! The "My Documents" folder on your laptop's file system is the location where most of your files live. T...

The Well of Chand Baori: If M.C. Escher Were an Architect, This Would be His Building!

Photo: Doron [wikipedia]What if M.C. Escher designed a real life building? It'd probably be something like the Chand Baori stepwell near Jaipur, India. The amazing 13-stories well was built in the 9th century and has 3,5...

The REAL Secret Behind Crop Circles

It's actually an ad for the Belgian State Bond (huh? Really - with a gallery and video clip no less!). The costume is made by Gareth of Alien Costume - via Super Punch...

Here's Why You Can't Sleep: There are 11 Types of Insomnia. Eleven!

Can't sleep? Here's an article from that explains everything you'd want to know about the 11 types of insomnia (Yes, there are 11! If one didn't get you, the others will.)One of the weirdest is paradoxical ins...

Beakman's World

Beakman's World was a kids' science show in the nineties. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss tests how well you remember the show. I am shocked that I scored 82%, since I never saw the show! Sometimes comm...

Fortune Cookies in China

(YouTube link) Fortune cookies are a strange, unfamiliar food in China. They were developed in Japan and popularized in the US. Nana Shi began selling them online in China and found that she needed to include instruct...

World Record Marrow

I'm not familiar with a vegetable called a marrow (it seems to be some kind of squash), but this one is apparently the biggest ever at 113 pounds! There were lots of huge vegetables at a giant vegetable show in England....

Top 10 Amazing Prison Escapes

Any of these prison escape stories would make an exciting movie (and some of them already have). Not all of the escapees were hardened criminals; some were prisoners of war, and Alfréd Wetzler (pictured) along with his...

GiGi the Angry Cat

Gigi kills the toothbrush @ Yahoo! Video Well maybe not that angry but she sure is playful when it comes to electric toothbrushes. Cute! Link: Video.YahooCattoothbrush funny...

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