By now you've all probably been playing with Google Chrome, the search engine giant's new browser (well, unless you're on a Mac or Linux, that is). Well, Philipp Lenssen's Google Blogoscoped blog who broke the news on the whole thing has a really neat list of tips and pointers on Chrome.
One thing that many people are wondering about is what's up with Google Chrome's logo? Philipp thinks that it's a combination of Pokémon's Poké Ball, and the Simon toy (see also this post on Digital Inspiration)
Well, I say there's something else. See that glowing blue eye? It's absolutely, positively from SAL 9000, the Earthbound twin of the HAL 9000 computer in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey. (Huh? There are two of 'em? Yep: HAL has a red eye, SAL has a blue eye.)
And here's a YouTube clip of SAL 9000 (voiced by Candice Bergen, actually) from 2010: The Year We Make Contact (based on Clarke's 2010: Odyssey Two)
But with all that rainbow color going on, why the name "Chrome"? That's just puzzling.
Chrome is developer talk for the space where the browser interfaces with the content. Since the object of Google Chrome is to optimize that area, it seemed like a good name.
Chrome's a dumb name.
Maybe we should have a naming contest.
The end. :)