American artist James Powderly of Graffiti Research Lab went to Beijing during the Olympics last month to stage a demonstration about Tibet. He was arrested by Chinese authorities and sent to a local jail. In this ABC World News Webcast video, he talks about his experience. Link to Powderly segment.
to full webcast.
Free the Natives in your own country first, dummy.
I am also find it interesting that most Pro-Tibet activists have always focused on what the Chinese government have done wrong, yet there is no mentioning of any thing they have done right.
One would most likely to see automobile bumper stickers that say "Free Tibet", yet no stickers that say
"Ask a Tibetan about Polyandry"
"Tibetan, Who's Your Daddy?!"
Polyandry in Tibet is a traditional marriage practice that has existed within a milieu whereby a woman could have several husbands; a father and his sons could share the same wife, and a mother and her daughters could share the same husband, or the daughters themselves could share a husband.
Think of this way:
Would Americans would be so quick jumping on the bandwagon if a group of native american polygamists in U.S. decided to break away from Federal Union? Would U.S. Federal government sit around and do nothing?
Riiight.. the big bad polyandrists marching the countryside torturing and shooting civilians. Those the ones you mean? Sheez, some perspective & respect please.
this is the reality, my friend.
This is where the world is headed - so go with it.
Yeah, the guy's a douchebag. Nobody cares about Tibet, after all. But what's with the polyandry comments? Makes it sound like something bad...
Native causes = no money, too much guilt & no easy solution in sight with absolutely no support from the colonial gov't
Such tough choices for the career activist ...
Before the Dalai Lama left Tibet in the '50s, he personally owned more than 2,000 slaves. Before the Chinese took away Tibet's autonomy and chased the Dalai Lama out, most of Tibet's population were slaves who lived and went untortured and unmutilated only at the pleasure of their lama masters. There were taxes on dancing, on drumming, on traveling, on looking for work, etc. etc. etc. etc. ohmygod etc., and tax debts were inherited from generation to generation until the interest made them so onerous that they couldn't possibly ever be paid, at which point the family became slaves to the lamas.
Since the Dalai Lama left Tibet, the CIA has been paying him quite a lot of money every year. The man does a good job of mouthing platitudes about peace and love and harmony, but he's nothing but a paid CIA propagandist.
All you activists out there: Get some RELIABLE information before you go making asses of yourselves protesting something you know nothing about. It's right to be skeptical about Chinese propaganda, but you must also question the propaganda handed to you by the CIA-backed Dalai Lama.
Ask the 30,000 farmers who's lives are ruined because the government redirected all their water into Beijing for the Olympics. Do a little research on slave labour in China before you start touting the 'good it's done'.
We may dislike Powderly, but Communist China is still a country to free.
Good advice about questioning motives, but I think the cia link is stale news.