I Heart Math T-Shirt

With many thanks to Jürgen Köller of mathematische-basteleien, we now have an excellent I Love Math shirt on Neatorama's online store. (The equation is from Gabriel Taubin).

I Heart (Curve) Math t-shirt, currently on sale for just $9.95: http://shop.neatorama.com/product-info.php?i-heart-curve-math-tshirt-pid102.html

More I Love Science shirts:

I Heart Biology - $9.95
I Heart Chemistry - $9.95
I Heart Physics - $9.95

Comments (12)

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Math & maths are both acceptable, why won't you accept that, polx? Either one is just as correct as the other. But what I wonder is: since when do abbreviations take out the middle of the word (e.g. MATHematicS)? Doesn't it make more sense to shorten it to just the first couple of letters? After all, Chemistry is shortened often to Chem, not Chemy. :S
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Ok Alex, how can you say that the word is spelled without an S in the US and with one in the UK and say I am wrong.

You've tacitly admitted I am right by admitign it is spelled correctly in the UK.

I continue to contest that it is spelled wrongly in the US.

I am already 66% proven right.

I say it's maths in the UK, so do you.

I say it should be maths in the US, you disagree.

Dammit, I'll get you lot to change yet.

I am off to gather my canadian forces (both Anglo and Franco) for a long bitter campaign to get you lot to say ZED.
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Methinks thou hath gotten it wrong, polx.

Language changes, mathematics was shortened to maths (in the UK) and math (in the US). Math itself is a recognized and bona fide word in the dictionary, along with mathematics. It is spelled in the USA without the s at the end.
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