Archive for September 2nd, 2008

Letter from School: Your Kid is Fat

Just in case parents didn't notice before, schools in the UK will send them an official letter saying that their kids are ... fat!Parents are to receive official letters telling them if their child has a weight probl...

When Kangaroo Attacks ...

Lesson for today: Don't ever get between a kangaroo and its pack, mmkay? Here's what happened to a jogger who got attacked by a 'roo: Metropolitan Ambulance Service spokeswoman Christine Paterson says the man, in his...

Kids of Older Dads Have Increased Risk of Being Bipolar

It's long been known that babies of older moms can have more health problems, but studies have now linked mental illness to advanced paternal age: Researchers analyzed Swedish national registry data from more than 80...

The Skateboard Stairs

Ted Hunter of Thin Air Press fittingly created this awesome set of skateboard deck stairs for the Roarockit skateboard deck woodworking school: Link - via Treehugger, Thanks Chris Tackett!...

Stiletto Dash

Coming hot on the heels of the Olympics (see what I did there?), here is Sydney's Stiletto dash! The world record for the number of high-heeled sprinters in a race has been smashed by a group of women in Australia.*/...

The Turntable Ghettoblaster and Other Cool Boomboxes

Like its name says, The Ghettoblaster Hall of Fame lists some of history's most excellent boomboxes. Like this one from Sharp: a radio, cassette recorder, and yes, a turntable combo!If you want a full stereo system t...

Pet Your Chicken Through the Internet!

National University of Singapore's Mixed Reality Lab is fast becoming my favorite in cutting edge (and a little wacky - okay, a lot) research. Take, for instance, this project titled Poultry Internet, where a ch...

Disaster Diorama Papercraft

Forget cutesy papercraft, Spitfuls has just come up with disaster dioramas: a set of paper models you can download and fold to depict the sinking of the Titanic and the burning of the Hindenburg!Link - via Boing Boing, *...

Disturbing Facts About Eugenics

Logo from the Second International Eugenics Conference in 1921Eugenics is the pseudoscientific belief of improving the human race through selective breeding. Though forms of it still exist today (proponents focu...

(de)light: Liquid Light by Christina Ferraz Rigo

In her (de)light project, Christina Ferraz Rigo creates a lamp that uses liquid as its source of light:In dark rooms, the liquid glows with intensity when the proper catalyst is mixed with water. Sure, it may not be...

She's Got the Photo to Prove It!

Pics or it didn't happen. This woman seemed to have taken the Internet phrase to heart by going to great lengths to take this photo.Check out what she's doing at the Oddly Enough blog: Link - Thanks Robert Basler!*/e...

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