Laser Finger Beams

Ooh! That looks like fun! That's Jake Bronstein of Zoomdoggle playing around with the Laser Finger Beams. You can even make your own "light sculpture" photo by using the Shutter-lag setting on your camera: Link - Thanks Kristina Hoge!

Once you get the hold of that, try making this one: Lightmark

Whoa, I ordered those two weeks ago. Except I got a pack of 8 lights for $3 :) They're fun to play with, especially outside in the dark.

*Much* cheaper site:

They're not really lasers, as they advertised. These are actually 5mm LEDs powered by 3 AG3 button cells each. You could use these to make $0.38 LED Throwies (plus magnets).

NB: Do not shine directly in eyes.
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I think what makes this picture is the expression on the guy's face. It's like he's saying 'I have light beams, what now b*tches?" heh. (don't mind me. I'm just a little weird lol)

I'm definitely going to buy a pack when I get money.
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