Levi's "Onion Peel" ad shows real beauty isn't about makeup or fancy clothes All you need is pair of Levi's. As long as you're anorexically thin, I guess. Via AdFreak. Comments (11) Newest 5 Newest 5 Comments I think this street artist made a befitting comment:http://www.woostercollective.com/2008/05/seen_on_the_streets_of_vancouver_1.html Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) EAT A SANDWICH! Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) True, but promoting it constantly as the idea of beauty is just wrong. Though some people can be healthy about it, many can't. It sucks. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) What. I don't get it. What just happened? Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Too true Neatoramawontsendmeapassword. I know quite a few people who eat a TON and remain rail thin. Many of them are extremely self concious about it too.Interesting ad though. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) Login to comment. Click here to view up to the first 100 of this post's 11 comments
I think this street artist made a befitting comment:http://www.woostercollective.com/2008/05/seen_on_the_streets_of_vancouver_1.html Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
True, but promoting it constantly as the idea of beauty is just wrong. Though some people can be healthy about it, many can't. It sucks. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
Too true Neatoramawontsendmeapassword. I know quite a few people who eat a TON and remain rail thin. Many of them are extremely self concious about it too.Interesting ad though. Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.)
Interesting ad though.