Discouraging Jaywalking by Humiliation

Shanghai police will try a new tactic to stop people from jaywalking: public humiliation!

Shanghai police will post photos and videos of jaywalkers in newspapers and on TV in a bid to shame them out of breaking traffic rules, local media reported on Thursday.

Offending pedestrians, moped riders and cyclists would be snapped at selected intersections and their images put in regular columns and on special television programs set up by police, the Shanghai Daily said. [...]

Jaywalking is a way of life in major Chinese cities, where crossing roads legally can be a hair-raising battle of nerves with oncoming cars disinclined to give way to pedestrians.

Traffic police recorded 7.78 million jaywalking violations at Shanghai intersections in the first eight months of 2008, the paper said.


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shadowfirebird: I assume it's illegal because, unlike sticking your finger in an electric outlet or something, if you cross a street in a random location and become injured, you screw up traffic patterns for a mile around.
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well if motorists are that bad there that people can't cross the road then they should be "shamed". I hope this never takes hold in Boston no one uses the crosswalks.
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I completely fail to see the point of making crossing the road illegal. Here in the UK you're free to cross any road wherever you like -- apart from a motorway, which pedestrians aren't allowed anywhere near.

What is the rationale behind this law? That crossing the road is dangerous and so should be illegal? Is jumping off a cliff illegal? Hitting yourself over the head with a wooden mallet? Sticking you finger in an electric socket? No. We know that these things are dangerous without a law banning them.
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