Map of Moon Exploration: How Far Did Armstrong and Aldrin Roam?

Bigger Pic at NASA

The Apollo 11 travelled more than 200,000 miles to the moon - but did you know that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first men on the moon went all that distance only to hop about the area smaller than a soccer field?

If you have no idea how big a soccer field is, then perhaps this is a better comparison:

Bigger Pic at NASA

Perhaps Armstrong & Aldrin were right: once you've seen one patch of moon dirt, you've seen 'em all!

Via Strange Maps and Sleeping in My Head

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I love the Studio 1A comment.

alguien - I completely disagree. Most people do not have a better grasp of distances in metres or feet than they would picturing this in relation to a familiar object.

That's why when you go to that really big bridge in Virginia (or West Virginia or somewhere around there), they show you how many Empire State buildings high it is.

I don't know the exact measurements of a baseball stadium, but I sure know the approximate size of one.
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This is not an insult to people's intelligence. It puts things in perspective, relating the sizes to something most people would be familiar with.

They really didn't go that far, did they?
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