Archive for August 27th, 2008

Customer's "Pants" Password Has Bank's Knickers in a Twist

Steven Jetley from Shrewsbury, England, had a falling out with Lloyds TSB bank, so he decided to have his password reflect his feelings towards the bank:A man who chose "Lloyds is pants" as his telephone ba...

The CERN black hole

Is this really what will happen when the physicists at CERN finally start smashing particles in the Large Hadron Collider this fall? If so, at least we're all in it together. Black holes don't discriminate. [YouTube...

Unexpected Places on the National Historic Landmark List

There are some places you pretty much expect to be on the National Historic Register. Sprawling manors, Presidential birthplaces, historical monuments. But there are some pretty unexpected spots on the list too. Here...

Sneeze Magazine: Major League Issue

Remember we told you about Sneeze Magazine? Well the newspaper-style magazine released their 2nd issue, it includes classic Rickey Henderson and Darryl Strawberry images that are so huge (22x16 inches) yo...

Caption Monkey 40: O RLY?

That's Neatorama's resident rock star, drummer Rober Birming of Eskobar (who also blogs at GeekAlerts) and his dubious cat Prosit (that's Swedish for "bless you," he told me). For today's Neatorama and Hobotopia's Captio...

The Biggest, Baddest Sinkholes on Earth

One day you're minding your own business ... and the next day the earth opens up and swallows your home - literally! WebEcoist lists 13 of the biggest, strangest, and most devastating sinkholes on Earth. The one on the l...

Henderson Wave Bridge

Photo: joeng [Flickr]One of my fave blogs, deputy dog, has done it again with this really neat list of 9 of the world's neatest bridges. This one above is the Henderson Wave bridge, a pedestrian bridge in Singapore:&...

More Bank Failures to Come: FDIC Has List of 117 Banks in Trouble

Things aren't getting any better for the US economy. And now the FDIC, which insures bank deposits up to $100,000, has added 117 banks on its "troubled bank" watch list:Thanks to a collapsing housing market...

Camouflage Art by Liu Bolin

No, that's not photoshoppery - Chinese artist Liu Bolin covers his subjects head to toe with paint to camouflage them almost perfectly into the background.Link | Exhibition at Gelerie Bertin-Toublanc - Thanks Jon Jas...

Union Boss "Fight Poverty" at a Cigar Club, Golf Tournament, Hotels ...

It's all in the name of "fighting poverty" or so said Tyrone Freeman, the boss of the Service International Employees Union in Los Angeles. That's all fine and dandy, except the problem is he's fighting poverty...

Black Whole Conference: Chair Sculpture by Michel de Broin

Photo: Peter RosemannNow that is a chair sculpture - you're looking at "Black Whole Conference" by Michel de Broin (2006). It was sculpted out of 72 chairs, and is a part of the Québec Triennial...

AirKick: The Water Catapult

Dear reader: If doing fun stuff usually involve an adrenaline rush, then this post is for you! Here's AirKick, a "sport and adventure device" that sends you hurtling into (hopefully) the pool:It propels par...

The Brain Lamp

That, my friends, is the most awesomest lamp ever: MYBrain, the table lamp by Alexander Lervik. It's based on the artist's real brain as taken by an MRI scan, then processed through a 3D printer.Link - via Modern Urban L...

Map of Moon Exploration: How Far Did Armstrong and Aldrin Roam?

Bigger Pic at NASAThe Apollo 11 travelled more than 200,000 miles to the moon - but did you know that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first men on the moon went all that distance only to hop about the area smaller th...

The Golden Girls Before They Were Golden

Andrea Hale of The Retro Blog has a neat post about what The Golden Girls did before they were famous.Betty White (left), for instance, did a Fantastik Disinfectant cleaner; Bea Arthur starred in Mame with Lucille Ball;...

Boy Banned from Playing Baseball For Being Too Good

Can a boy be too good a baseball player to play? Here's a story of 9-year-old Jericho Scott, whose fastball (clocked at 40 mph) was deemed too fast/good/dangerous for the youth baseball league he's playing: "I t...

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