It's by no means scientific, but the poll at is trying to illuminate how belief in God differs around the world: Link - via Cliff Pickover's Reality Carnival
It's by no means scientific, but the poll at is trying to illuminate how belief in God differs around the world: Link - via Cliff Pickover's Reality Carnival
The results are bound to be skewed toward a certain demographic.
«Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.»
Communist or not, he was absolutely correct about religion!
Sorry Dave.
America - If you could wrap god in a flag deep fry it then powder it w/ sugar you would pretty much have 80% of our "culture"
One should also take care to see that it's not stipulating a belief in theism, religion or any dogma. A deist would be just as likely to answer 'yes'.
Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him.
Maybe I've been watching too much of the olympics.
When I first saw this, I laughed at what Another Jake is saying. I even thought that maybe 70% of the 349 people they asked in Africa were missionaries.
"I'm not that retarded!"
It is no suprise that after all we know today and all we can observe in nature and in Creation, that in the end times people will fall away, turning instead to fables (such as evolutionism). It's predicted in the Bible.
Many African nations are heavily much so that Sharia is the law of their lands. Here in South Africa church and gospel singing are a huge part of the lives of black South Africans. My husband and I were out driving in the country a couple of Sundays ago and came across a group of people, dressed in their finest clothes, walking along the road, miles from any kind of settlement. They were on their way home from church.
Africa believes in God.
Negative correlation that is.
And strange the number of people who think there would be a bias towards atheism here. Why would there be such a bias? And also... why would a religious reader be upset at the relatively low numbers of people believing in God? Surely your faith is enough for you? Shouldn't worry what everyone else thinks..?
Mabbye that's how satan works!!!! ;-)
Fuck organized religion.
Interesting to also note the correlation between relative wealth and education.
Not that education neccessarily negates faith but it does seem that the more we learn & understand about the world we live in, the less likely we are to believe in an all powerful God(s).
Oh, the layers of irony in that statement!
Is that one of your "scientifically sound poll results"?
Perhaps the wrong people are taking this particular poll.
I'm pretty proud of Canada, we're right up there!
And idiot adults.
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts
With wealth comes education and with education comes a questioning of the world. When one starts to question how the world works, one can see that the fairy tales and superstitions of 2000 years ago started by uneducated, impoverished Middle Easterners are no longer relevant.
I am so sure that the 39% of Canadians who believe in God are poor and uneducated.
How on earth can an educated, worldly person believe in a guy who lives in the sky and watches and judges your every move ?
But there is a God. It might not even be a "god" in the sense that normal people perceive it, but its there, whatever it is.
So, why do many people believe in God? Lets face it, no one sees God, feels God or hears God. If they say they do, it's called a delusion. FACT. It's called having faith. FACT. It's called having a belief. FACT. I won't deny...but...
Oh, look, my coffee mug, that's real, I can pick it up off my desk...come on, we live in a materialistic world.
The Victorians, on average, 1-2ft smaller. Why, natural selection and human evolution. FACT. Adam and Eve, portrayed as we are today. Eh??? I'm confused.
Let me also see, who is familiar with the term, human indoctrination. It means, if my mother and father are strong Christians, guess what I will be from the day I am born...of course?!!
You see, the fact of the matter is, no one will ever change what they believe in through religious debates and discussions. It's in our nature to stand by what we believe and not move from it. Just open your mind for one day and really think, is there REALLY a higher power?? Really? Until I see this higher power, or feel it or hear it DIRECTLY...I will remain loyal to what I believe.
If you believe in God due to second hand influences, indoctrination, school, family or whatever, I believe in God because I believe in God, or because I have grown up knowing...NO DIFFERENT? Isn't it about time to think for yourself and look at the scientific evidence.
More religious wars will occur. Due to a conflict in religious beliefs. Sometimes I think atheists are the more independent, un-corrupted individuals; in which an atheists mind is very much FREE.
Did you know this very fundamental fact. If an atheist lives a pure, honest, PERFECT life, that atheist would still go to "the pit of fire for eternity" because he hasn't accepted God. The one thing no one has heard, felt or seen. Thanks alot God. Real nice of you.
The more developed the theory of why there is no Theos, the less developed the proof offered. I think I know why. We are taught in our halls of higher learning that all things were created from nothing by mere chance and some cosmic accident. Yet, everything made by man has a developed methodology to it and must be governed by the germane to that method. (Physics, Medicine, chemistry, etc) All have laws, yet we refuse to accept that these same laws MUST be obeyed by the universe as well. For instance. We believe that a primordial gas explosion out in the cosmos produced millions of fully developed species, which have some how turned into other things in order to "adapt" to laws which we believe can be suspended at our whim. That being the case, I should be able to throw a hand grenade into my garage and drive a Bentley out of the rubble. Don't pooh-pooh it so fast. According to "science", that is what happened in the Big bang. Perfect organization from pure chaos.
It takes more faith to believe in THAT than it does to believe in God. And with less proof that is provided in the Bible. Yet, most "educated" (Or to be more accurate in terms of modern U.S Matriculation - INDOCTRINATED) types would rather dismiss god than dismiss order from chaos because if there IS a God, they must follow the rules of GOD. This is slavery to the indoctrinated mind. As is indoctrination, but we don't mind THAT because we believe that we are FREE.
Think black slaves back in America back in 1776. That's about how "free" you are in the plan of the God of this world. (If you follow my paradigm.)
There is a god of order and a God of chaos.
You all feel free to choose which one you will worship and follow. I can't choose for you.
here what ido to make me feel it
try to be the god your world i mean you make him like your father , Mother , brother and everthing try talk to him with no Shy try talk to him at night 3AM talk to him like you talk to your self never be shy from him ask him what you want beleive in him in your very Heart say to him you will start tearing and mabye even crying try talk like you talk to the god to anyone you will not felt like the feeling when you talk to the God
Hate to break it to you, folks, but there's no God. No afterlife. Nothing. Live this life to the fullest, because it's the only thing we have.
Isn't this enough? You're alive. Appreciate it.
God didn't make light, the sun did during a big bang
God didn't make life, it was made when lightning hit the sea and sent energy to it
God didn't make our personality, we did
God didn't make the world, if he did there would be no natural disasters
Our lives are good enough, but if there was God, our lives would be much better.
If there was a God, I would probably be dead by now because of what I think of God.
This isn't meant to offend religious people, it's just to say why I do not believe in God