Welcome, Rich White Oligarchs!

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart put up this cheeky billboard to welcome those "rich, white oligarchs" attending the Republican National Convention in the Twin Cities! Found at east-lake.net

Comments (37)

wow, that's narrow-minded

Don't get me wrong, I have a sense of humor and like the Daily Show, but c'mon. I know more poor minority republicans than you may think, especially since I'm one of them!
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Interesting that Biden will be 66 this year. Will we here anything about his age? If Obama wins 2 terms Biden will be around 74 at the end of Obama's second term. As much crap as McCain has received we should hear something about this...but I suspect we will here nothing.


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The Dems keep getting whiter. Per the DNC website...here are their leaders:


Now they have an Old White Man on the ticket. Too much. I am sure though many dupes will sign on.

I remember a day when Biden supported MCCAIN for the DEM VP spot , a day when Biden pointed out what a joke Obama is, and a day when Howard Dean(the head of the DNC) noted the value of having a President who had served in the military. Guess none of that matters now. The dupes eat up what they want and ignore reality.
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@ jIM..hey tons of people supported McCain when he wasn't such a douchebag..he paired up with Feingold..probably the most decent Dem in power right now..for campaign finance reform. He seemed completely different then. But yes, Biden is another old white man who's real effing lucky Obama is overlooking so much.
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Poor Republican minorities *should* be an oxymoron, but some apparently don't understand the nature of the Republican party. It seems they respond to the "family values" part of the Republican platform, but miss the part about the Republican party caring Not At All about the poor. So let me repeat: Poor people, the Republican party does not care about you. Stop voting for power-hungry old white men that only fight, and fight dirty, for the rich and elite. These people do not have your interests at heart.

The party has gotten away for a long time with pretending to be the party of good ole boys, salt of the earth types. They have ranches. They clear brush. The shoot friends in the face while hunting. It's all very Middle America, except the part where the ranch is a mansion, the brush-clearing is a relaxing distraction from the rigors of being on vacation most of the time, and the hunting is an exclusive pastime in a rarified game reserve available only to those VIPs with enough cash.

The Democrats are not perfect, but at least they CONSIDER the poor and the disadvantaged. If you think the Republican party cares, you simply have not been paying attention. For decades.

These are not your people.
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The Democrats are the party of racism.

They supported slavery and Jim Crow laws. Now they support Affirmative Action. Their latest candidate for President was chosen on the basis of his race and nothing else.

Once again the liberal media live up to their reputation as the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.
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That's just plain dumb. Many of the to Dems are wealthy people.... Like Pelosi, for example. It's just silly stereotyping. Stewart would be funnier if he showed his Lefty tendancies a lot less.

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People who think there's a discernible difference between the two parties are the biggest dupes of all.

No matter which you choose, everybody loses ultimately.
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Oligarchy is a form of government where most political power effectively rests with a small segment of society (typically the most powerful, whether by wealth, military strength, ruthlessness, or political influence). The word oligarchy is from the Greek for "few" and "rule". Some political theorists have argued that all societies are inevitably oligarchies no matter the supposed political system. From wiseGEEK
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The billboard is offensive. I wonder what would happen if someone put up a billboard in Denver that said, "Welcome, poor (or rich) black Democrats?" Then again, it probably wouldn't be allowed in the first place. It would be too politically incorrect. It's "funny" to point out "whiteness", but if you point out "blackness" you're labeled a racist bigot. So much for "equality."

As for the Republican party not caring about poor people, that's BS. I'm tired of the government taking my money and giving it to other people all over the world. The Democrats promise a retirement pension, free health care, free this, free that. All this on top of welfare, subsidized day care, public housing, medicaid, food stamps, and God knows what other public assistance the government already hands out. Who do you think will have to pay for all this "free" stuff? Those of us who actually work for a living, that's who. If they kept their hand out of my pocket I'd have more money to give to those I see fit to give it to. If you want to be an idiot and drop out of high school and work at McDonald's for a living then you get exactly what you earned: minimum wage, all the benefits bestowed upon you by McDonald's, and nothing else. It's not the government's job to take care of us. Its job is to protect the country from outside threats, including protecting our borders, and then get the hell out of our way. The beauty of this country is that you are FREE to make what you want of your life. The down side is that too many people feel free to sit on their asses and let the rest of us take care of them. Yeah, that's just what I want: more hand outs and free stuff that the Democrats promise. Maybe I'll quit my job and sit on my ass and let them take care of me too.
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I'm all for you quitting your job and going on welfare. I recommend this to anyone who complains about how good those on welfare have it. No takers yet.
There is enough to worry about in this country without obsessing on the small percentage of our population that leeches of the rest of us. There is a really small number of Americans that control 40% of the wealth in this country; is that a good thing? For you?
Capitalists in their purist form would like nothing more for you to work for nothing, then die, to be replaced by another anonymous worker. Without the intercession of government in health, welfare, retirement, compensation, etc. most of us would be reduced to serfs in our own country. This, in no way, excuses government excess and waste, but good grief man, you can't run a country of 350M people with a tiny government - small government only serves the rich who can afford to purchase services we now share the cost of.
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Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I didn't said those on welfare had it good, and I certainly wouldn't want to be on welfare. That's why I got an education and have a job, although I'm not wealthy. I was making the point that enough is enough with the free handouts. Yes, if someone is genuinely disadvantaged (physically or mentally disabled), or temporarily out of work, etc., then they should get help, and I mean enough help so they can live a decent life.

If a small percentage of Americans control a large portion of the wealth there must be a reason for it. Maybe they worked hard or created a product or service that we all want or need (Bill Gates rings a bell). Should we take their money and give it to everyone else? Should we redistribute all the wealth so we all have the same amount? That sounds like other forms of government we all know so well; Communism and Socialism. Why would anyone want to work hard to build their own wealth only to have it taken away? People and corporations that have wealth create jobs and opportunity. If you don't want to work for someone else you are perfectly welcome to strike out on your own and make your own fortune. That's what this country has always been about.

People in general have gotten too used to expecting the government to fix everything and help everyone. Perhaps we have an obligation to help when disaster strikes, but when people have to work from January until May to start to actually make money for themselves (tax freedom day) and with a federal deficit that is obscene, then this excessive spending has to stop.

Obviously the govenment has a larger roll to play than just protecting our borders. Nowhere in the Constitution, however, does it say we have a right to free health care or free anything else. Yes, we all have to share the costs of services (roads, police protection, etc.) for the greater good, but it's just out of control. If a household budget is not balanced, there is more outgo than income, then spending must be cut or income must be increased. It's time for the government to cut spending rather than raise more income in the form of taxes. Ok, rant over.
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Correction to my last comment: 2nd sentence, third word should be "say", not "said". And by the way, I'm a registered Democrat and have been since 1972. I've never voted straight party ticket, but have voted for the person I thought was right for the country. It's only been in the last few years that the clouds have parted, the sun has shone and I have seen the light. I guess the bottom line is this country has to find a way to stop the nonsense and begin to work together to fix the major problems that we face today: energy, the deficit, and illegal aliens among them. Higher taxes, more free handouts and amnesty are not the answers to those problems.
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I do not believe this is racist, it is fact that only 5 minorities have attended the Republican convention. Its satire, take it easy.

To rebuttal Evil Pundit, how are the Democrats the party of racism? Do they not have a African American presidential candidate? Did President Kennedy not play an important part in eliminating segregation in the South?

Republicans are millionaires or suckers.
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The democrats did not have a similar billboard because there wasn't enough room to write "Welcome Rich, White African American, Gay, Lesbian, and Latino oligarchs."
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Yeah I'm totally rich beyond my wildest dreams. The Daily Communist should be burned to the fucking ground. As for Jon (I think I'm smart and funny) Stewart, he needs to be tossed in a dumpster. That is about what he's worth, in fact that might be too good for him. Maybe at that little Commy rally in Denver there should have been a sign. "Welcome America Hating Socialist Brain Dead Hippies." I think it's really a claim to fame to be able to use television to preach and attempt to brainwash retarded college kids whos brains are too full of bong resin to actually have an intelligent thought. It makes sense, the Daily Communist speaks easily to these pathetic excuses for humans because the show is RAN by the same people. Super deep stuff on that show, very insightful and clever, totally dude. Simple fact is, the only people who actually watch that shit are too stupid to know better and don't matter anyway. So keep on trying to be funny and trying to convince us all that Obama is God and Socialism is the best thing since sliced bread. I can't wait for the day we take a page out your book and pervert the Constitution. I'll be the first one to grab my "gun and religion" and start tossing every last one of you over to France and Cuba.
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