Map of Springfield

Jerry Lerma and Terry Hogan plotted a map of Springfield, the hometown of The Simpsons! See the huge size to read all the sites you may know from the TV show, and an interactive version as well. Link -Thanks, Em!

Image posted by Flickr user Dan Cameron. PS: Congratulations, Dan, on the birth of your new son!

@Matt: The Springfield Tire Fire is indicated by an arrow in the lower southeast corner, next to Little Lisa's Recycling Plant.

I didn't realize Rommelwood Military Academy was so close to downtown Springfield. And I like knowing where Noiseland Video Arcade is, not far from the Turn Your Head and Coif beauty parlor.
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Um, Sorry but in the "Stonecutters" episode, Homer is given a pair of skates to get to the from door due to the fact that his parking space at the plant is JUST BEHIND HIS HOUSE.
Map is wrong, and am I for knowing that at a glance.
Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) much Simpsons goodness on one map, I just about wet myself! This is totally awesome. I have no more eloquent words than that.
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Cool. I wish there were more pictures and fewer words, though. On a map, it seems to make more sense to graphically represent the buildings. It took me forever to find some things.
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