Archive for August 13th, 2008

Bigfoot: Found At Last or Just Another Hoax?

If this is true, then it's got to be the find of the century: Searching for Bigfoot has released some teaser photographs of what they claim is the remains of Bigfoot in northern Georgia:*The creature is seven feet se...

Pray at the Pump

Forget Congress, the White House, or that pesky economic princple of supply and demand ... the recent drop in gas prices at the pump is the direct result of a higher authority: God.That's what Rocky Twyman, founder of th...

Money From the Free Banking Era

It's hard to believe but there was a time in the United States (1837 - 1863, also known as the Free Banking Era or Wildcat Banking) when there was no central bank and paper money were issued by a variety of private banks...

Bathing at Burger King

[YouTube Link]If you've eaten at the Burger King on Orange Street in Xenia, Ohio, you were served by some really, really clean workers. Why are they clean? Because they've...

Surging Eel Drink is Actually Eel!

Forget the beef tongue ice cream, the weirdest thing you can eat or drink is this: Unagi Nobori [Surging Eel] from Japan.No, it's not an eel flavored drink. It IS eel!Link...

Foreclosed Home For Sale For Just $1

Real estate is bad where I live, but apparently it's just peaches when compared to Detroit. So, how bad is real estate in the Motor City? So bad that banks were selling foreclosed homes for $1 ... and it took 17 days to...

Google Apron and Cookbook

To celebrate its AdWords advertising program, Google sent long-time sent advertisers a little gift: Google apron and cookbook! Cookbook? From Google? Yep!John Dickman, Google's Global Food Manager wrote in the intro:...

Incinerating Toilet = Barbecue?

The EcoJohn incinerating toilet uses no water at all! The EcoJohn Sr. is a waterless, incinerating toilet certified for safety by Underwriters Laboratories, which, for classification purposes, called it a barbecue....

Simulated Photoshoppery

Photo: Henry HadlowIt's a time honored tradition on the Internet to call "'Shopped" on dubious photos that look like they've been photoshopped. But this time, it's the other way around: In this piece, called &q...

Man's Last Wish: Turn His Ashes Into Fish Food

When 61-year-old angler Peter Hodge learned that he had a terminal disease, he made a last wish that his remains be turned into ... fish food!The 61-year-old, from Puriton, near Bridgewater in Somerset said he wanted...

10 Books on Technology Every Geek Should Read

Patrick Biz of Geeks are Sexy blog has a neat post about the 10 must-read books about technology for geeks. Included are fares like iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded A...

Where It Stands Blog

Some blogs present information in unusual ways. Jessica Hagy's Indexed, for instance, cleverly boils down the truth into simple graphs on 3x5 index cards.Add this to the list: Where It Stands, where conventional wisdom i...

How NOT to Get Screwed When Buying a New Car

Buying a new car? Boing Boing has a clip from Ignite Seattle, where Rob Gruhl (who probably happens to be the only guy in the world that loves buying new cars - besides my good friend Joe - some people are weird that way...

Explosive Gas Anti-Avalanche System

Photo: TASIs that a spout in the middle of a mountain? Actually, yes it is. Pruned blog has a neat article about Gazex, an anti-avalanche system that uses explosive gas to trigger controlled (smaller) avalanches to avoid...

VideoSift Pick of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) Can You Spot the Ninjas? Think that you're pretty good at observations? Watch carefully and...

Bubble Tanks

Bubble Tanks is a pleasant shoot-em-up game with soothing music. You are a bubble under the sea. Shoot bubble clusters to collect bubbles and grow, but avoid being shot! Link -via Buzzfeed...

Unforgettable Faces

Sometimes when I take group pictures, I'll ask the kids to make funny faces for one photo, to loosen them up and give them a natural smile. The funny face pictures are often the best of them all! Dark Roasted Blend has...

Sentimental Value

Emily Spivack began the blog Sentimental Value to preserve some of the more interesting stories that accompany clothing for sale on eBay. For example: I just loved this dress. But the size that was on clearance was...

Oz, Oz, Ozzy, or Ozzie?

Today's lunchtime quiz at mental_floss asks you to identify a quote: Did it come from The Wizard of Oz, the HBO series Oz, musician Ozzy Osbourne, or baseball manager Ozzie Guillen? I scored 50%, sinc...

Telemegaphone Dale

This seems to be more of an art project than a telecommunications aid. Dial the published number, and an answering machine will relay your message to Telemegaphone Dale, which will amplify it and broadcast it over the...

More Exciting Olympic Events

Photoshop enthusiasts make existing Olympic events more exciting for the spectator at Worth1000. -via Geek Like Me...

Woman Wins Hog Calling Contest

(YouTube link) For the first time ever, a woman has won the hog calling title at the Illinois State Fair. Doris Probst of Effingham, Illinois entered both contests at the 2008 Husband and Hog Calling Contest, but didn...

Winnie-the-Pooh held for Robbery

Japanese police say 20-year-old Masayuki Ishikawa was on a Tokyo street corner after midnight when he objected to strangers who stared at him. They were staring at him because he was wearing a Winnie-the-Pooh costume, ac...

Grape Auction Brings 100,000 Yen

You think groceries are expensive where you are? In Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, a bunch of grapes sold for 100,000 yen Monday. That's $920! The new variety Ruby Roman grapes are the size of ping pong balls and sell for...

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