1. How heavy is that briefcase? 2. SR-71 Red?bird airlines does not stop at your destination? I have to jump? Then I still have to drive?
Make sure your helmet is properly secured, or that's going to be one nasty burn.
Commutes just got worse. ;-P
(Joking aside: I heard a statement by a U.S. auto guy[?] on NPR saying how changes in the economic environment affecting autos caught them by surprise. But the Japanese looked through their "Futurescope" and got to work on hybrid technology? Arguably nascent, their work puts them way ahead. Shame on you, Big Three.)
1. How heavy is that briefcase?
2. SR-71 Red?bird airlines does not stop at your destination? I have to jump? Then I still have to drive?
Make sure your helmet is properly secured, or that's going to be one nasty burn.
Commutes just got worse. ;-P
(Joking aside: I heard a statement by a U.S. auto guy[?] on NPR saying how changes in the economic environment affecting autos caught them by surprise. But the Japanese looked through their "Futurescope" and got to work on hybrid technology? Arguably nascent, their work puts them way ahead. Shame on you, Big Three.)