Dave Umlas built a sculpture out of stainless steel and equipped it with propane gas and forced-air jets. The effect is hot! I wonder how well this would fit in with Alex's barbecue grill collection? See pictures of th...
Jim Hance, the artist behind Mona Leia, has a new creation he calls Oz Wars. If the scarecrow had carried a light saber, the Wicked Witch of the West would never have been a problem! http://strangelydrawn.com/blog/2008...
COLOURlovers blog has neat photo gallery and interview with Johanna Lundberg, Jenna Sutela and Timo Koro of thisissand.com, a Flash website that lets you play with colorful digital sand (remember that toy now?).Link | Th...
This lamp looks like a giant centipede in the outdoor setting, but it's just 19 inches tall (and over 30 inches long). The Nymph Lamp, from Site Specific Design, will set you back $2,600. Link -via Dump Trumpet...
I did not know that airlines are flying planes without full fuel tanks. To save weight, they calculate the least amount of fuel needed to get a plane to its destination.
With fuel prices now their biggest cost, airl...
Dark Roasted Blend takes a look at artistic photographs of smoke, both in its natural form and enhanced by Photoshop techniques. Also included are links to several artists' galleries of more smoke art. Link...