Archive for August 10th, 2008

Fire Sculpture

Dave Umlas built a sculpture out of stainless steel and equipped it with propane gas and forced-air jets. The effect is hot! I wonder how well this would fit in with Alex's barbecue grill collection? See pictures of th...

Anime Contact Lenses

Disproportionately big eyes are a hallmark of anime art and comics. Now, you too can sport the somewhat creepy big-eyed look with oversized contact lenses sold in Japan. In fact, you'll look altogether Photosh...

How to Cover a Gas Station with a Blanket

Artist Jennifer Marsh wrapped an abandoned gas station in blanket fabric! Jennifer was sick of paying high gas prices and bothered by the abandoned gas station that was an eyesore on the drive to her studio each d...

Hunting Honey in Nepal

Wild honeybees in Nepal build ten-feet-long hives on the sides of high cliffs, but their honey is so rare that locals risk their lives climbing bamboo poles to harvest it. A film crew from the BBC watched the process in...

Oz Wars

Jim Hance, the artist behind Mona Leia, has a new creation he calls Oz Wars. If the scarecrow had carried a light saber, the Wicked Witch of the West would never have been a problem!

Social Networking Works Great for These Spiders!

Spiders are often solitary animals (some of them are even cannibals that eat their own species, so they tend to stay as far away as possible from each other). But in the case of Anelosimus eximius spiders, the more, the...

This Is Sand

COLOURlovers blog has neat photo gallery and interview with Johanna Lundberg, Jenna Sutela and Timo Koro of, a Flash website that lets you play with colorful digital sand (remember that toy now?).Link | Th...

Donkey Kong LEGO by Dan Kressin

Ooh ... This. Is. Awesome. No, it's SUPER AWESOME: Dan Kressin made a Donkey Kong diorama, complete with Kong throwing barrels and Mario jumping over them out of LEGO MINDSTORMS:During a random discussion at the Apri...

A Math Puzzle: Something's Not Quite Right Here ...

Something is not quite right with the pic above. Can you figure it out?Here's the story from Consumerist: Link...

Aston Martin's $2.3 Million One-77 Car: Who Will Buy One First?

Poor Bugatti Veyron: it wasn't enough that the $1.4 million car was dethroned as the fastest production car on the planet, it's now not even the most expensive one ...Here's the One-77, a $2.3 million hand-made coupe by...

NatGeo Flashback Photos: Baboon Teaching a Kitty How to Sit Properly (Like a Baboon) and Mowin' the Lawn at Stonehenge

Our pal Marilyn Terrell of National Geographic Traveler's Intelligent Travel blog told us about Flashback, a gem of a monthly photograph archive from NatGeo (some published before in the magazine, some never before seen)...

Boston's amazing summer media mystery: Who is Clark Rockefeller?

Where to begin? The Boston Globe has been leading the coverage of this strange and incredible story and has assembled links to numerous timelines, photos and articles at this link. If what has been reported to date...

Hardcover & Paperback

(Aniboom link) A love story of an animated origami couple, by Israeli animator Moshe Servatka. -Thanks, Bill! ...


Eugenio Recuendo recreates Greek friezes by posing and photographing human models. Pretty cool stuff. More tableaux at TrendHunter....

Nymph Lamp

This lamp looks like a giant centipede in the outdoor setting, but it's just 19 inches tall (and over 30 inches long). The Nymph Lamp, from Site Specific Design, will set you back $2,600. Link -via Dump Trumpet...

Low on Fuel?

I did not know that airlines are flying planes without full fuel tanks. To save weight, they calculate the least amount of fuel needed to get a plane to its destination. With fuel prices now their biggest cost, airl...

Time for Another Map Game!

How well do you know the Middle East, West Asia, and Northern Africa? Try to drag each nation's name to it's location on the map. It doesn't keep score, but you'll know if you're on the wrong track by the annoying buzz...

Google Street View Catches House on Fire

No, the Google Street View cameras didn't cause the fire (at least I don't think so), but they were there in Sherwood, Arkansas when this house went up in flames. Now the images are saved for who know...

The Periodic Table of Awesoments

The picture here is just a small corner of the Periodic Table of Awesoments, since you need to read the kind of awesome elements it contains. Modern day awesominers know there are actually 118 fundamental "awesome...

Hacking a Pacemaker

This seems scary. Two researchers speaking at different hacker conferences revealed that they have learned how to turn off implanted pacemakers by remote control. Kevin Fu, director of the Medical Device Security Center,...

Smoke Art

Dark Roasted Blend takes a look at artistic photographs of smoke, both in its natural form and enhanced by Photoshop techniques. Also included are links to several artists' galleries of more smoke art. Link...

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